Learn To Make Your Submodalities Work For You!


 Learn To Make Your Submodalities Work For You!

The way you perceive things and the way you react to those perceptions have a huge influence on your success, happiness and health. The world we live in is an amazing place full of opportunities to create a life that is more short-term satisfying, long-term fulfilling and whole. It starts with becoming aware of what's going on around us so that we can do something about it.

When was the last time you picked up a book or magazine with an article about how to improve your life? Maybe it was online magazine article but might as well read some articles online just for kicks. The only thing I do regularly is read about how to improve my life. I've even written a couple of articles about it (I also make videos on how to improve your life). There are more than a few resources that might be helpful for you to read.

When you want to know what's happening in the world around you, there's an old saying: "You can't see the forest with the trees." It means you can't see what's happening in the whole when there are distractions; distractions such as television, video games, music, or any other entertainment that is designed to distract us.

Here's another old saying: "If you don't have time for anything else, read a book. The average person who reads one book per week will be more intelligent and wealthier than the average person who doesn't read."

You will also have a higher chance of living longer. Studies have shown that people who read live longer and are more likely to ward off Alzheimer's, dementia and other conditions which can result in death. I'm not even talking about fiction, either. Nonfiction books are more likely to increase IQ, empathy, financial gain and overall well-being.

Even though you're reading this article right now (Thank You!) you might want to start reading some books about how to improve your life. You'll be glad you did.

One popular way to learn about how to improve your life is by reading self-help books, which can be good and also bad. The way you perceive things will determine what kind of life you have. If I read a book about how to improve my health, for example, that book only becomes helpful if I believe it can help me in some shape or form. If I read a book and tell myself this isn't going to help me at all and that it's a waste of time, it becomes useless.

If you're like me and you want to find out how to improve your life, you might want to read some self-help books.

I'm going to give you a list of self-help books that I've read in the past and will continue reading for the rest of my life, no matter how much time I have left on earth. Some of these are actually old books that have been around for years. If I don't enjoy the book or if it doesn't give me something new then I'll put it down and move on to another one. This is called "Reading the Classics". To be honest, not many people do this but instead they stick with what they know or they sell out.

I've actually read all of these books for 2 or more times. I'm in no way bragging about this because maybe you've read some of them and you did even better… Maybe you've only read one or two and that's okay, too. The book list is just one way to open your mind to the possibilities that are out there.

Now I'll tell you why they're on my list and how they apply to self-improvement:

How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie: This book is a classic self-help book by Dale Carnegie. It was first published in 1936. It's all about how to become a better communicator and overall social leader. The main idea is that everyone is looking to be liked as much as possible and you can use this to become a more likeable person.

It will teach you how to make people like you, win friends, win people over, and basically get people on your side. It was a #1 Bestseller in 1936 and it's still a classic book that has changed the lives of millions of people around the world. Be sure to read it if you haven't already (My review | Official Site) .

The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles: This book was first published in 1910 by Wallace Wattles. It was originally published as a six-lesson course for The New York Herald newspaper. It's about thinking about success and abundance in your life.

It can help you figure out what you want so that you can then pursue it. It will teach you how to identify goals, remove the blocks or limitations that are holding you back from your goals and how to overcome those challenges.

Think And Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill: This book is another classic that was first published in 1937 by Napoleon Hill (who is another self-help mentor). It's all about shifting into a new way of thinking and learning how to harness the Law of Success to make yourself successful. It was a #1 bestselling book in 1937 and is still one of the top-selling books today. Be sure to read it if you haven't already (My review | Official Site) .

I could go on and on about my list but I'll be kind and keep it short. There's more than enough information in these books, no matter when they were first published, that can help you improve your life. If you choose to read them get some good snacks or lunch ready, because it's going to be a while!

Here is a list of self-help books that will make an impact on your life:

The Seven Habits Of Highly Effective People: This book by Stephen R. Covey was first published in 1989 and it's a great book/guide by one of the best self-help authors. It's a guide to building yourself up and up into becoming an effective person in terms of leadership, personal growth and so forth.

It's about how to become more efficient in your various areas of life and how to build on your strengths. It can help you develop both the skills and knowledge that will allow you to be highly effective at what you want to achieve. This was also a #1 bestselling book for three years in a row and it still remains one of the top five bestselling books for many other countries around the world (My review | Official Site).

Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind: This book was written by Jim Rohn and it was first published in 1983. It's all about thinking from the mind of a millionaire and how that can apply to your life. It's the story of how wealthy people think and what they do to become rich.

It shares with you how to think like a millionaire (or at least more like one). The main idea is that everyone thinks differently so everyone must do things differently. It's all about thinking hard, challenging yourself and always looking on the positive side of any situation. This was also a #1 bestselling book for two years straight in both paperback and hardcover (My review | Official Site).


I hope you found my list on the Best Self-Help Books helpful. If you have any questions, or would like to know more about any of these books feel free to post a comment below. Even better, if you want to read them yourself I'll show you where they're available.

Happy reading!

To Your Success,

Simon Williams [email protected]

Simon Williams is a Blogger, Entrepreneur and Motivational Speaker. He's also the owner of of English-Manors.com and author of "How To Master Your Time & Work Life". Find out more on Twitter @simonwilliams1737. Connect with Simon on Google+ and Facebook.

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