Learning To Fall And How To Get Up Again
What does it mean to “fall”? To explore the possibilities of what this really means, maybe you should watch this video. If not, then feel free to read further!
The video, which depicts a boy who falls into a hole in an abandoned building, is something different. It shows his struggle and failure to help himself get back up while still going down. This can be applied to many areas in life such as relationships with friends or family, love and care for yourself when you feel like giving up on your dreams. Many times when we give up on ourselves we start doing things that are not good for us and do the opposite at trying times that may seem impossible or hopeless. Throwing in the towel of what you want to do or what is right for you.
When all hope seems lost, remember that there is a way, a lot of times it does seem impossible but it does get better if you keep pushing through and keep trying, no matter how many times your fall.
-What are some things that inspire you?
-How can your story be inspiring?
-Who inspires you and why?
If one reads the article I would suggest this reading: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/11/magazine/falling-apart-for-you-and-me.html?pagewanted=all&_r=0
-What is the biggest life lesson you have learned in your story so far?
-Has anything ever happened to you in which the words "Why me?" have been uttered? What was it like when this happened and how did you handle it at the time?
-Tell a story about a time when you felt stuck, or about a time that seemed hopeless. If possible, add a photo if available. As an alternative: What are your greatest influences or inspirations in life and why are they so significant to you? Be specific as well as possible.
-Do you believe that there are encouraging stories out there like the one in the video, and if so, why? If not– Why do you think that is the case?
-What do you think it would be like to fall in love? To fall in love with a person who inspires you. To feel a true connection and bond that could last forever. To have someone who listens and understands your struggles as well as feelings of pain. To meet someone who shares the same values as you in life and to learn that they have a story too and one that could be inspiring. To fall in love with your partner and feel like you are on top of the world when they love you back, but not thinking there is anything better than you. To feel truly loved and to see them happy when they are with you. To be there for one another and to become best friends. To trust them and to be there for them as well, no matter what happens in your life. To be there and to listen. To share the same values in life and to have someone who is there for you and becomes your lover. To have someone who wants to be there for you and is willing to go out of their way to make you smile or make your day better. To laugh with your partner even if they are not there, to think about them and what they would say if they were around. To get a text message from them telling you how much they miss that you are gone but knowing that when you get back home that everything will be ok. That I love them and everything will be ok.
-Tell a story about a time when you felt deeply loved and was able to express it.
-If you were to become famous, what would life be like for you? What would it be like for the people who love you most in the world to see your name in the magazines? To have your picture on the magazine covers? To have people flock to your show or movie when it is released. Would you be intimidated by people and their reactions?
-What do you think is the best thing about being able to be yourself as an artist or writer? What is your greatest fear when it comes to sharing this part of life with others, even friends and family. Why are you afraid to share?
-What do you think is the best thing about being able to be yourself as a lawyer or lawyer?t What is your greatest fear when it comes to sharing this part of life with others, even friends and family. Why are you afraid to share?
-What do you think is the best thing about being able to be yourself as a doctor or nurse?
-What is the most difficult part of being yourself when it comes to sharing this part of life with others, even friends and family. Why are you afraid to share it?
-Give an example of how your physical appearance in everyday life affects people's reactions on your personality. What are the various reactions from others and why do you think you get them?
-If you could be any kind of tree in the world, what kind of tree would that be? Why would you choose this kind of tree?
-What drives you as an artist or writer? Give an example of what it means to go above and beyond your normal capacity as a human being.
-What is it like to be an actor or singer? What do you think is the best part about being one?
-If you could have your own show or movie which would you choose and why? Who would be the star and why him/her or her?
-Tell a story about an experience where you felt inspired. How did this experience make you feel? How did this make you feel in regards to your life goals, aspirations, dreams and hopes?
-What was the best gift someone has given to you when it comes to your writing (books, CDs, etc.
-How do you want your story to come full circle?
-Tell a story about a time when you "crumbled" or had trouble getting though a hurdle. What happened and how did it make you feel at the time? If possible, add a photo if available.
-What is the best gift someone has given to you when it comes to your writing (books, CDs, etc.