Life Is Short. What Will You Do With The Time That's Left?


Life Is Short. What Will You Do With The Time That's Left?

We all know that life is short. The older we get, the more we feel it passing by faster and faster, and the less time we have for ourselves. This can be a little bit of a bummer, but there is still so much that we can do before we reach the grave. There are plenty of things that will push our priorities into a new light and cause us to spend more time with loved ones and have an even better life. This article will discuss some ways that you could spend the time left in your life differently.
"There is no rush from the grave."
This is a wonderful saying. Choosing to pursue your dreams in life could even be the deciding factor for your fate. If you take your time in life, then you will have the chance to make many things happen that you might not have had before. 
There are tons of ideas for short-term goals that you can set up with this philosophy. It could be something as simple as making one friend a new fan or selling one thing that you have been holding onto for too long. You will be surprised at how many great things come from taking the time to do this sort of thing.
The next thing that you can do with your spare time is go out and learn something new. The internet is a great resource for finding videos which teach you things to entertain yourself with. The amount of information there is amazing, and it can teach you just about anything right at your fingertips. It is important to understand that your life could end at any time, and there will be plenty of regrets if you don't try new things.
There are so many things that you have never done before, and you can encounter some interesting things if you try new activities. The internet is a great place to find free e-books that teach you everything from basic cooking to more advanced things like woodworking. It doesn't take too much time at all to gather information on what you want to do, and then all of the tools can be found for cheap prices or even free.
The last thing I will mention is going out and enjoying your life now. You should live now, because there will never be a time in the future that you won't be able to enjoy yourself. There are tons of wonderful activities for people to enjoy. You can try going out to see a sport that you haven't been able to see before, or you can go to a concert of one of your favorite bands.
When you look at what life really means, there really is nothing better than enjoying yourself and having fun while doing it. All of the great things that come from taking the time to enjoy yourself are less important than enjoying life now.
I hope this helps you in your quest for a happier life. Take care!
P.S. If you want something more action-packed, check out my book  The Book of Awesome . It is a collection of awesome tips, tricks, stories and lessons for improving your life. Available on Amazon .
Title:How To Make And Keep More Friends
Article Link: How To Make And Keep More Friends
People in general are usually the same. The way we relate to others is usually the same, too. The most common way for us to relate to each other is friend or foe. We visit each other and make it a point to get along with these people due to the fact that they can be very beneficial in our lives, while others we avoid because they more often than not present a threat of one type or another.
What I want to talk about today is being friendly to everyone. Yes, even the people who you don't get along with or can't stand are going to be a part of your life. The way it works is that you're going to have people in your life that you won't like and they will be around for quite some time no matter how much you try and avoid them.
If you spend time hating someone, then you're wasting time that could be spent finding out about them and actually getting along with them. Plus, you will be prone to saying or doing ridiculous things that could cost you a friendship.
You can't please everyone, and it's not your job to make everyone like you. It is only your job to be a person that people enjoy being around. It's going to happen that some people don't like you and some people do. What matters is what the majority of the people in your life think of you and how they feel around you. If they're always asking if you have time for them, then your strategy is working.
If they do the same things that annoy you and make you feel bad, then it's not your fault and you can't control them. Just go along with whatever their feelings may be until the time that they change their minds about you.
The point here is not to try and win everyone over; it's just to show people that you're nice, just for being yourself. You might find yourself being liked more by being less abrasive or in some way going against what you believe in and what your core beliefs are.

If you're having trouble relating to a particular person, then give it time. There's always going to be someone that doesn't like you, but if they're not around very much and people around you seem content with the way things are, then there's no need to try and relate or change them into liking you.
We must put our own happiness above everyone else's happiness.

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