Listening Within: The Awakening Of Intuition


 Listening Within: The Awakening Of Intuition

Which sounds better: The first singer or the second?

The first!

Or maybe not. You're probably more inclined to agree with the second, but you can't be certain. There is no way of knowing for sure what the right answer is. This is a practical application of intuition, an innate power of perception that can be used to answer questions and solve mysteries. We all have this capacity, though it rarely surfaces.

A famous source of information on intuition is Dr. Gary Schwartz. He is a professor at the University of Arizona in Tucson and an expert in parapsychology. Dr. Schwartz and his wife Marsha performed the remote viewing experiment which has become known as The Stargate Project . In this study, he monitored the results of 30 volunteers who were given five years to develop psychic abilities.

These people were trained by Dr. Schwartz and his wife, who gave them directed training in parapsychology. They were told to develop a relationship with their intuition. Whenever they were asked a question that was difficult to answer, they were also asked if they wanted to receive information on the answer. If they chose "yes", then the information would be given to them. If they didn't want the information, then it was not given. The results of this study are in the book Remote Viewing by Dr. Gary Schwartz and Robert A. Monroe .

A caller that was interviewed on the radio show Coast to Coast AM portrayed an example of intuition at work. He told of his UFO sighting and described how he used intuition to help guide him to South Park, where he attempted to make contact with beings from another planet. He said that he felt very strongly that this would happen in South Park and that's why he went there.

A scientist who is skeptical about the paranormal was interviewed on the same show. He made an interesting point. He said that if you're going to talk about remote viewing, then you have to prove that it is possible. intuitively , I really believe that intuition can happen. I also believe that intuition can be very accurate. I believe there is a difference between "right" and "wrong". I believe that one can use intuition to make good decisions. [emphasis added]

If we are going to be skeptics, then we have to examine the evidence of parapsychology and specifically how it relates to our own lives. And this is where Dr. Schwartz's work comes into play: how do these people know what they're doing? They achieved these results through effort, training, and dedication. But this is not enough by itself. They also had to be able to receive information from sources that were unknown, such as the guides.

I've been a student of Kabbalistic literature for a long time. I've also studied meditation and other techniques for developing psychic abilities. I can attest to the fact that those who are willing to work at it develop psychic abilities and the ability for intuition. They do this through the process of continuous and daily practice .

One of the biggest obstacles in the way of people who want to develop psychic abilities is skepticism. I have to admit that, initially, I was a skeptic. But after studying and researching this material for many years, I have to admit that there is something here worth exploring. There are numerous examples of this in The Secret Teachings of All Ages by Manly Hall . Most are taken from ancient and medieval authors such as Cicero, Pliny the Elder, Aristotle, etc. But they have a modern day application too.

However, it's not necessary to delve into the occult in order to access your intuition. In fact, I think it is a mistake to do so. The reason is that the voices that you hear and experiences that you have as a result of intuition are just as real as those that are caused by psychic skills or spiritual abilities. Intuition is an inner knowing, an experience of knowing something without any doubt or conditions that would prevent you from answering the question correctly. It is simply a matter of trusting this inner knowing as infallible.

While it is possible to learn how to have this experience through spiritual development, there is a more direct way. One that doesn't require an investment of five years or an initial belief in the paranormal. And that is to use it now! Here's a simple exercise that you can do right now to start making the most of your psychic abilities and intuition:

Take the next five minutes and ask yourself one question each minute. For example, you might ask yourself if you will eat pizza or Chinese food tonight. Then ask yourself what time your parents will get home. Then ask yourself if you should wear the red shirt or the blue one tomorrow. After the five minutes have elapsed, write down what you think each of these questions means to you.


One of the greatest feelings in the world is to awaken your intuition, to develop it so that you can use it on a regular basis. The more you push yourself to ask difficult questions and answer them sincerely, the easier this will become. You will begin to trust yourself more and learn how to trust what comes up inside. This is a great service that you can do for yourself and those around you.

It's never too late to uncover the wisdom that we all have access to at any time.

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