Little Known Facts


 Little Known Facts

A. Do you know the story of Ferdinand Magellan? What about Helen Keller? What about the first person to ever break the sound barrier, Chuck Yeager? If you've heard of any of these people then it's because they're all included in this post!

B. This quick blog post will provide some information on some lesser-known facts about famous figures from history that are sure to surprise and delight!

# Startup idea: a website where people can go find little-known things about famous people and share their findings with others. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

This is a great idea and we would love to hear more details.


This is such a great idea because our generation has a bad habit of not looking things up for ourselves so this would be an amazing way to help with that.

# Startup idea: an app that patrols your photo for unflattering angles and makes sure your photos are at the perfect picture level. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

A picture says a thousand words, but those thousand words can often be the wrong ones if they have you showing up in a bad light. We love the idea of this app because it shows how we need to be careful when posting pictures online or even when taking them in general. We are not the only ones who think this would be a great idea:


Yes, we love this idea as well! Sometimes that can be hard to do on our own so this app would make it much easier.

# Startup Idea: a site that makes sure you're never not looking at your screen by offering to pay you $5 every 30 minutes if you're not. # ___________________________________________________________________ 

A lot of times when we are really into an activity, we forget to look at our phones and sometimes miss out on important calls or messages. We really like the idea of this app because it's a no-brainer way to make sure that doesn't happen.

# Startup idea: an app that can tell you when a particular song will be played on the radio and then if you see it or hear it, a notification pops up with details about the song. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

This is such a great idea and we love that it would help us discover new music!

# Startup Idea: an app to find out if you are still single after x years of living together. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

This is probably one of our favorite ideas on this list because there's just something so gratifying in knowing how many years we've been together.

# Startup idea: an app that lets you know when the post is about to expire on a subreddit. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

This is such a cool idea for nearly any type of social media because it's something we can't always control. This would be a great way to find out when something posts no longer has value.

# Startup Idea: an app that does one thing, but does it well and nobody has thought of it yet? # ____________________________________________________________________ 

We love the idea of this app because everyone could use an easy way to quickly send someone a note or photo unexpectedly.

# Startup idea: an idea that can help with the mental health epidemic. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

We love the idea of being able to help people with their mental health issues and this idea could definitely go a long way.

# Startup Idea: an app that allows students to check in for class and see if a teacher is arriving or not. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

This is such a great idea for students who need to know if a teacher is on their way.

# Startup idea: an app that automatically records the expressions of users when they have a great life moment. # __________________________________________________________________ 

We really love this idea because we're all human and we all have moments when we don't realize how good something is or isn't, but this app would make sure to record those moments and share them with the world.

# Startup Idea:An app that gives you random facts about things you say that day. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

This is such a cool idea because sometimes we have so many facts that we never know where to find a piece of information we need.

# Startup idea: an app that ranks your emotional connection to every song you listen to and gives you tips on how to become more connected. # __________________________________________________________________ 

We love the idea of this app because it could totally help us all become better at connecting with music. We don't know about you, but sometimes our emotions can dictate what kinds of music we want to hear and this app would be able to help us discover new music within ourselves.

# Startup idea: An app that tells you how long you have before you die and puts it in a cute format. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

We love the idea of this app because we've all probably thought about how long we have left, but we never really know what our life expectancy is.

# Startup idea: an app that can tell you when your essay is due by looking at your calendar. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

This is such a great idea because those late nights spent writing can sometimes sneak up on us and it's nice to know that someone's got our back about when we need to get things done.

# Startup Idea: an app that posts your daily photos to social media and you can pay them to take it down. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

This is such a great idea because sometimes we don't realize how much of our day is spent on our phones and we really hate when anyone sees the things we post online. We think this would be a great way to cut down on distractions without taking away people's memories!

# Startup idea: an app that makes sure you never miss a word in your favorite audiobook. # ____________________________________________________________________ 

This is such a great idea and we love that it could help us overcome some of the issues we have with not being able to multi-task.

# Startup Idea: an app where you can plug your own songs and movies into a playlist that is sent out to everyone else in your group and they get the same version of it. # _______________________________

This is such a creative idea that would help share music with our friends.

# Startup Idea: An app that lets you easily share things from Instagram or Facebook on Snapchat.


We hope you've found these ideas helpful and we understand the pressure to leave something out or add more. We've tried to touch on a few things that can be acquired easily and some of those things will be the most important! It's nice to see what you think of our list because we want you to have a general idea of where we're coming from.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please let us know in the comments below!


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