Living With Real Spirit


 Living With Real Spirit

If you’re looking to find your real self, or want to experience genuine peace and joy, then this blog is for you. In Living With Real Spirit we will explore what it means to live a life of authenticity: when every aspect of our lives flows from the deepest longings and insights of who we really are.
I will provide practical insights, memorable stories and inspiring messages to help you discover your innate potential.
To deepen our exploration, I will also share my own experiences. For many years I struggled with depression, poor health and chronic pain. I ultimately overcame these challenges by embracing life-changing spiritual practices that led me to find meaning in each moment of life.
Most important, we’ll examine the way we think about the world and ourselves. This can have a powerful impact on our lives. If we believe that the world is a dangerous place or that we are somehow defective, then it’s likely we will suffer from anxiety and depression. If, however, we believe that our own thoughts and feelings are just passing illusions, then life feels less threatening and our pain can go away.
If you're interested in these topics, I hope you will join me on this course of discovery. Remember: "The greatest waste of time is to be sixty years old and feel that one still has a hundred years to live. Life is a butterfly, and you are sitting on a leaf. When that leaf moves, you move with it." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
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About Me I am a transpersonal psychotherapist working in private practice and education in college towns throughout the country. I have developed a unique therapeutic style that combines traditional concepts of psychotherapy with insights from transpersonal psychology. This combination allows me to work with clients on issues including: depression, anxiety, relationships, chronic illness and emotional pain. I work with individuals, couples and groups.
This blog is about the real journey we all must make from the personal to the transpersonal: from our isolated existences to the deep spiritual connections that unite us all. 
NOTICE: This website is for educational and general informational purposes only. Any information provided should be discussed with a qualified healthcare provider who knows your unique medical history. Please do not disregard professional medical advice and never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice because of something you have read on the Therapeutic Journey blog. Use of this information is at your own risk.
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My Love Letters are available in an ebook from Amazon: I was born at a time when the world didn't have as much knowledge about the sheer scope of human potential and where we came from. The simple fact that we exist is often lost on us. I have been trying to understand why, from the time I was a child. I’ve had some experiences in my life that have helped me to see things in a new way and those experiences are what this blog is all about. I’m not interested in simply providing my personal opinions, but rather I want you to find your own truth. The truth that is inside of you, which may be different than mine or anyone else’s truth. One of the best ways to find that truth is through direct experience. I want to share with you the direct experiences that have helped me to understand some of life’s most profound questions. The highest levels of spiritual understanding aren’t something that can be found in a book, lecture or even through discussion with someone else. The highest levels of spiritual understanding can only come from within yourself. This is where the real journey begins...
Photo by  Robert Couse-Baker  
My Journey My name is  J .R .R . Zimmerman .  I am a psychotherapist, author and spiritual teacher. I have been practicing as a psychotherapist for more than 20 years, writing and speaking on various spiritual topics since 1990 and working with individuals, couples and groups since 1994. 
"The greatest waste of time is to be sixty years old and feel that one still has a hundred years to live. LIFE is a butterfly, and you are sitting on a leaf. When that leaf moves, you move with it. " - Ralph Waldo Emerson
What is Therapeutic Journeying? Therapeutic Journeying (TJ) is a process that allows one's awareness to move from an intellectual understanding of oneself, to direct experience of the Self. TJ is about not only gaining greater insight into one's own personality and individuality, but also about discovering greater meaning and purpose in life. It is about realizing our true potential as human beings.

No one can live through another's experience. But the process of therapeutic journeying can open to us a door that leads to a greater understanding of our own potential and the unlimited creative possibilities available to us here in this life. 
Through TJ, we access what Carl Jung called The Unconscious Collective . This is the source of all human creativity, knowledge, wisdom and greater potential. It is from within this source that all real change and transformation originates. This means that real growth is an inside job...

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