Look Inside Of Your Mind To Quit Smoking.


 Look Inside Of Your Mind To Quit Smoking.

We all know that quitting smoking is hard. It takes serious willpower to go through the process of withdrawal and recovery. Some people even believe that one can’t quit smoking until they are ready to quit, which sounds like a cop-out to me. I find it hard to believe that there is only one technique guaranteed to make you stop smoking.  There are many, many ways to quit smoking.  The right way for you is the way that works for you.  The method shown here worked for me, and can work for you. I have had a lot of different jobs over the years, and have met a lot of different people. If there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that people are all different from each other in their own unique way. One of my first jobs was working at a bar in college. Back in those days, bars were not as strict as they are now about refusing service to people who are intoxicated. I worked the door at this bar and had the opportunity to see some pretty scary things. One of my most vivid memories is of a guy getting kicked out of the bar. He was an older man, dressed in filthy clothing and reeking of beer: pretty typical fare for a drunk guy who has been in a bar all night long. But, that’s not what was so alarming about this guy.  The thing that really freaked me out was how he looked. He had a mask on. I couldn’t see his face, but I could tell he was wearing a mask of some sort. When the bouncer called over the guy and asked him to leave the bar, he refused. He claimed that he was not drunk, and that the mask he wore was just something he liked to wear. So, the bouncer grabbed his arm and led him away from the bar. When the bouncer turned his body, the drunk guy took off his mask and revealed his true self. He had a perfectly clear face with not a blemish or mark on it. It was completely smooth like a baby’s bottom. But, it was not a baby’s bottom, it was his face. He had no nose, but I could see his nostrils. They were kind of pointy like a rabbit’s snout. His eyes were completely black and unseeing . . . .  He looked like one of the undead from Game of Thrones. I couldn’t believe that a normal person could look like that! The best part was when he started trying to walk out of the bar while wearing that mask. He simply fell over, landing face-first on the floor. I was amazed that he hadn’t broken his nose or anything. As I said in the opening paragraph, everyone is different and everyone’s journey to stop smoking will be different as well. The techniques that work for one person may not work for another.  I am a perfect example of this. I tried two different techniques when I first started quitting smoking. The first technique was called the “Quit Smoking Overcomeanger Technique”.  This is a very simple method that involves telling a scary story to yourself while you are trying to quit smoking. A typical example is telling yourself that the next time the doorbell rings at your house, it will be the Grim Reaper standing there with a scythe in his hand and a sickly smile on his face. Then, you will tell yourself that the Grim Reaper will win and you will end up dying of cancer in your sleep. It sounds stupid, but I actually found it to be helpful when I first started using this method. After a few days of trying this technique, I decided to try another method that was originally developed by someone else to stop smoking. Roll One Up and Smoke It is a very common method that involves filling a bowl with tobacco and then rolling one cigarette out of the whole thing.  You then smoke the whole thing in one session, usually by sucking on the cigarette while you hold it between your lips. I tried this method, but quickly found it to be too difficult.  In order to roll one cigarette out of a whole package of tobacco, you have to use two hands and a lot of force.  I was not strong enough to do this, so I gave up on this particular method pretty quickly. I was then introduced to the “Look Inside Yourself” method. To learn about this method, I read an article online that explained how to quit smoking using the Looking Inside Yourself method. It’s a really simple technique. All you have to do is visualize yourself standing outside of your own body looking into your own eye sockets . . . .

Conclusion: When you first read through the article, you might feel like something is missing or not quite right. You will probably feel like there is some sort of “Secret” to Quitting Smoking that you are missing.  If that is the case, then I suggest you read through this article a few more times until you get an "Ah-Ha!" moment. Once you do, then go back and re-read all of it from the beginning until you understand how it works.

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