Look Where You Want to Go


 Look Where You Want to Go

In this blog post, I'll show you from my own experience what is considered to be the best course of action for where you want to go with your life. And, as a bonus, I will share with you the top 3 things that I did for myself that turned out great.

If any day it can happen to someone else then it's worth trying at least once in your lifetime! Even if you're going through a rough time it's up to each and every one of us whether or not we make the most of our opportunities.

What are the best websites and apps to learn something new? These Websites and Apps teach virtually anything from science degrees, art lessons, and technology coding courses.

If you want to do something different in your life and make a change, then why not take advantage of these amazing opportunities? These days, taking online courses is not just for the young anymore. Adults who are looking to make a change in their lives are also pursuing this method. People notice that they can earn something while they learn skills that help them to gain knowledge. In fact, more people are looking into online education because it will help them to get into a new career or get that promotion at work. There is less pressure than trying to go back to school full-time. If you want to take your education to the next level and do it at your own pace, taking online classes will give you that benefit.

So, here are some of the great websites and apps where you can learn almost anything:

Coursera – Coursera is one of the best apps for learning new things for free. It has a wide variety of courses including arts, computer science, humanities and many others. You won't believe what kind of courses are being offered in this app! The website is easy to follow and is complete with video tutorials and exercises as well as quizzes that you need to take after each lecture. The instructors are all from respected universities from around the world.

2. Kahn Academy – Kahn Academy is another online learning app that is worth checking out. It has classes to help you learn math, computer programming and it even has videos that teach you how to build your own website. Not only that, but there are also classes here on TED-Ed on various topics like economics, history and science. You can also take self-tests so you will have a better idea if this is something you want to pursue.

3. iTunes U – Don't have time to watch every video on Coursera or Kahn Academy? Just use iTunes U which has ready-made lectures for various courses for free! The list of courses offered by professors from universities all over the world is worth trying out. If you want to go from being a beginner, to advanced, all in one app, then this is for you.

Doing self-improvement can be a daunting task if you have no idea where to even start. Even though people say that we are in the information era, it sometimes feels like we're taking a step back because we haven't learned how to properly use this technology to our benefit. This is why some people are going back online and learning new things online instead of going back to school full-time.

In order for education at home or online courses to work, there are certain steps that need to be addressed. For everything to work the way that it should, you need to know what you are doing. You also need to work out a plan before hand in order for you to see results. If you follow these steps then your chances of succeeding is far higher.

The first thing you will want to do is look at why you want to learn this new skill or on what kind of journey that this new course will take you on.  Whether it's going back for your Masters degree, getting an advanced degree, or earning a certification, there are different paths that each of these courses offer. Look at each of these options and try to find out which path is best for you. Also, look into how much time and effort that you need to put into the course.

The second thing that you should do is research about the course that you want to take. Read reviews on different courses and find out what your friends have said about them. Also, look at the instructors teaching the class or if there is a mentor involved in the courses. If it's an online course then try to ask questions before enrolling in any of them. By doing this, it will give you some insight on what topics that they are covering in their courses as well as who your teachers are going to be.

The third thing that you should do is take some time to think about what you are going to do after your course is done. This can be one of the most important aspects that you need to deal with while taking online education. If you don't have a plan on where to go after your learning, then this can be an issue. You'll not only have wasted money and time but your level of education will also plummet. It's best if you find out what kind of career that you want before enrolling in any online courses while having a backup plan in case something doesn't work out the way that it should.


Online education is a great thing for anyone looking to broaden their knowledge base. There are so many opportunities at our fingertips that we can't even begin to scratch the surface of everything that we can learn from within this fast-paced world. However, it is important to note that nothing replaces a real classroom environment where learning can be done in an active manner and with the help of a good instructor. The two shouldn't be viewed as competition, rather they should be viewed as complimentary learning platforms for different individuals.

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