Looks can be perceiving.


 Looks can be perceiving.

Appearances can be deceiving, especially when it comes to the things you see in a new relationship. Having a handsome man or woman on your arm can seem like the perfect dream come true at first, but how well do you really know them? It's easy to get swept up in superficial feelings that may not be real — no one wants to leave their heart open for rejection.

One way to protect yourself emotionally is by remembering that looks are perceiving — they don't tell you who someone actually is. Listen carefully and try not fall into the trap of believing everything they say...even the nice things. Be wary of flattery, and remember that no matter how great a looker might seem, they should not be your only consideration.

The 12 golden rules of appearances:

1 You and your new love interest will always have good days and bad days — that's normal.
2 He may impress you with his skill as a dancer or his study of history, but don't take any of that for granted — whether he's teasing or being serious. 3 When it comes to making progress in a relationship, looks aren't the only thing you need to consider. Think about how much he values you, your honesty and dependability and what you can offer in return.
4 Don't accept any praise without also asking why — don't just go along with it because he's saying that you're beautiful. 5 If a new love interest seems too good to be true, then he probably is. 6 Don't put up with bad behavior if it comes with a good-looking face — use your common sense and do the right thing . 7 A woman doesn't need to become friends with her date's parents or siblings — they might not be as great as they seem. 8 If you're being friendzy with people who are not your boyfriend, then you might be getting caught in the wrong lie. 9 Be wary of his eyes — he might be using them to collect information about you. 10 Keep an open mind about the things that he says! 11 Don't assume that just because a man is telling you something it is true. You need to know what's real from what's made up .12 Don't fall for his good looks — they can be deceiving, and they aren't going to last forever!
The moral of the story: appearances can be deceiving, so get to know him before you jump into anything too quickly...or else.
Photo Credit: Source: http://www.indiemag.net/pictures/dating-advice-for-women#sthash.fCK6cH7s.dpuf Want More?
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Conclusion: I had been out with the guy for a while and wanted to stay in touch but felt bad that I didn't want to kiss him. He was so sad, though, saying he thought that I liked him. ...
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You can keep reading by clicking here... Conclusion: I had been out with the guy for a while and wanted to stay in touch but felt bad that I didn't want to kiss him. He was so sad, though, saying he thought that I liked him.

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