Magical Success Formula


 Magical Success Formula

Making a success out of your life is possible with this magical formula. The more you do what makes you happy and content, the more people around you will mirror those qualities. This will make it easier for to grow in the work force and feel fulfilled in your personal life. Furthermore, if happiness was an achievable goal-if there was a way to turn on this tap that would give it to me-I am absolutely confident I would have achieved it by now!

This formula has also allowed me to attract good luck into my life in situations where I felt like all hope had been lost. If we are not happy with our situation at any point we can change our current mood just through thought and attitude changes. We can change our lives and our feelings about them by changing the way we think about life.

As I have said before, attitude is a powerful thing. If you're reading this article I am willing to bet that you are unhappy with your life at least a little bit. If you aren't, that's great! But if you are, this formula might be what the doctor ordered. Happiness is not an emotion that we can just conjure up like magic after all-it's something we have to work at every day of our lives.

So please don't look down on yourself for being unhappy. It is perfectly normal to be unhappy-do the best you can and try to improve your situation. But if you are feeling down about something specific, then I'm here to tell you that there is a change that can be made that will bring you happiness.

If I had to lay out a list of things in life that I'd like to have, then at the top of the list would be happiness. Happiness would take me all over the world, allow me to spend time with great people and make me happy with my place in life.

We can have anything we want out of life. We just have to make conscious choices that will make us happy. We don't need to be rich or famous, we only need to create certain conditions in our lives so that we are happy-so that we feel good about where we are and what we have.

Today I am going to share with you what I think is the formula for happiness. These successful thoughts and beliefs will not only bring you happiness-they will help you establish the type of life that you want and work towards creating it.

But first we need to lay the groundwork. We have to come up with a few things that you want in life and will work towards achieving. I'm going to tell you my personal goals and how I plan on achieving them so that you can use them as a guideline for your own life.

I've never been one for setting goals up front, but ever since I started doing this in my life things have really started to change for the better. To begin with, it is a good idea to wish for big things that will make you feel alive. People who wish for bigger things in life tend to be happier than those who wish for small goals that are usually achieved without much effort at all.

I have friends who wish for a million dollars. A million dollars! Think of the money. They make smart choices and break up goals into categories that makes sense to them. Their list of things they want to accomplish might look something like this:

1. Buy a new car
2. Pay off debt
3. Make 5k more on my side job
4. Buy a house
5. Re-do the kitchen and get a bigger fridge/freezer combo
6. Get married
7. Have kids (or be a great parent)
8. Start a business that I am proud of
9. Be healthy
10. Be financially stable
11. Feel great about what I have and where I stand in life
12. Have my dream job (or create one)
13. Enjoy retirement in the future once it is feasible for me to do so without undue risk to my health, family or other important assets of mine
14. Help others who are less fortunate than myself (Read: Anyone)
15. Have a home
16. Travel the world
17. Have a better quality of life than I do now
18. Go to the beach every day (I've been looking for a place to build a house along the coast where I live)
19. Trust in my beliefs and remain true to myself and those around me (Read: The Universe)
20. Be happy with what I have now and where I am in my life
21. Have the freedom to do anything I want in life without any restrictions or obstacles holding me back (Read: No one)
22. Be happy and healthy with the life that I have now (Read: Any of the above)
You see, they are so full of enthusiasm and are not worried about what their life is going to be like ten years down the road. They have goals for themselves, but only wish for things that would make them happy today.
Next on my list of goals is to make myself happy. I want to do things that will make me feel good about myself and I want to be a successful person-not just in work but also in all other areas of my life.
One goal that I've been thinking about lately is to buy a new car. I've been driving the same car for the last three years and am overdue for a new one. I really like the idea of a convertible, but I'm not sure if it's something that I can afford at this moment in time.
My next big goal is to pay off debt. I've got lots of credit cards and even though they are all paid up in full right now, there are still a few things that I owe money on them. It would be nice to get rid of those extra payments so that we can save some money and make more profit on our investments (or at least make them work harder for us).
These two goals were quite simple to accomplish.

So that's a little insight into my goals and how I plan on achieving them.
If you'd like to share your goals, then please do so in comments below! It would be fun to see what your goals are, how you plan on achieving them and what steps you will take.
I've given this advice before, but have a VISION for yourself and where you are going in life (i.e. the future). If you can see it, then it is possible for you to get there.
I'm not saying that if you put these visions out there that they will come true-but they will definitely help make your dreams more tangible and easier to achieve.

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