Make Their Day


 Make Their Day

It's never too late to apologize and make amends for the wrongs someone has done to you. You can just say please, I'm sorry how you feel sometimes.
If they're feeling better, it's time slam that door shut. Ignoring them is the harshest thing they have ever experienced. You deserve a clean slate too, don't let your anger compromise your future peace of mind! 
If they're not willing to accept an apology, then go on with your life and refrain from contacting them again unless there is something specific that you need or want from them. 
Hopefully they will respond politely and realize that you are not going to make the same mistakes. It's not what you say but how you say it:)
You should NOT be afraid of being direct, at least in this case. You won't get any better results if you avoid confronting it.
You really should make amends for your words and actions because the other person is a human being like you, who feels and thinks just like you do. We all make mistakes, but the ability to recognize them and admit them is what makes us great.
Actions speak louder than words, but words can do a lot of damage too. Whatever you do, make sure it will not hurt the other person or impact your relationship with them in a negative way. 
If you really want to make someone weak, tell them they are weak. You'll take away their self-confidence and destroy their spirit!
They have to get it through their thick skulls that you don't appreciate being treated like this anymore.
When we apologize for wrongs committed, then people forgive us. This shows that they trust us and it makes them believe that we are good people. When we don't apologize, then people hate us and feel like we are bad people.
You're just going to have to swallow your pride and apologize at some point, it's the only way to get over something like this.
You should say sorry even if you don't feel sorry. Sorry means that you regret what you did wrong, not because you are actually sorry for anything in particular. 
At that point, if they still refuse to accept your apology, that is their fault, not yours. It's the responsibility of their behavior in response to your apology. If you are hurt and disappointed by someone's behavior and they ignore you, then you should stop talking to them altogether. They shouldn't be allowed to upset you this way anymore, let alone use their petty lies as an excuse for not apologizing. 
It is best if they themselves apologize but if they don't then who cares? They showed how little respect they have for you anyway.
You should forgive them and move on. The only thing you need to do is to forget and not let it affect your future relationships with them. 
If they don't want a second chance then that's their loss, not yours. Everything will be better for you if you can just let go of that negative past and start over again!
Don't get mad at yourself for apologizing for something silly or for messing up. Just apologize sincerely, make amends and the other person will forgive you everything! It's all about the way you say things:) 
In order to become a better person yourself, you need to know how others feel about you. If they don't appreciate you, then you are doing something wrong. They should feel like somebody cares about and appreciates them. This takes a lot of effort and the sooner you realize this, the better off you will be:) Finding out why people treat you badly is important because it could help you change for the better.
Just go on about your life and stop being so picky with what others think of you. You must be able to take constructive criticism from whoever shows it to you. You can only learn from them if they're willing to give it to you!
You should always forgive others for their mistakes and failures, as long as they apologize for them first.
They will improve from this, you just need to give them the chance.
If they feel they are always right, then they won't learn anything from others. Everybody knows that there is no such thing as perfection and mistakes happen to everyone, so let it go! You shouldn't hold grudges or pass judgment on anyone who has sincerely apologized for their actions or words:)
It's all about the way you say things and not what you say. Some people don't realize that just saying sorry is not enough because they don't do it with respect and sincerity, thus other people don't appreciate it! You should show that you mean what you say in your apology letter.
You should always give people the benefit of a doubt, especially when they have apologized for their wrongs. Their apology means that they are willing to change themselves and not make the same mistakes again.
While everything you do will reflect on you, it is your choice if people want to see it or not. A good and wise person should always consider others' feelings before doing anything because being kind and understanding makes you a better person in the end. 
When we make mistakes, or say things that hurt others, we can apologize sincerely without expecting other people to take us back again. 
You should also let go of your resentment against them once they have apologized for this. Resentment will only make you renege on your apology, in other words it would show that you don't truly mean what you say. 
You should never stop apologizing for things that have happened and no matter how much time has passed you can apologize again if you feel the need to change things.
You should have a sort of understanding with them, whether they are a friend or not. You should accept their apology even if it is not exactly what you want to hear. Just because they have apologized does not mean that it is fine for them to continue doing whatever it is they didn't like in the first place! 
If they don't accept your apology then that's their choice, and their loss.
They should understand that no matter how many times you apologize for something, it does not mean that it will never happen again!
It is great if they can see your sincerity in your apology and accept what you do. If they can't forgive you, then it's their own fault!
Accepting an apology is the most important thing because people who do so have already forgiven others. You have to decide whether or not to forgive that person based on their sincere apology and willingness to change themselves. Remember that people deserve forgiveness when they are willing to change, especially after having apologized. 
To forgive someone, you have to let go of your resentment toward them and treat them like you are glad they are there in your life again.


To be honest, when you grow up and get married and have kids it will become a little bit more difficult to be as dedicated to your friends as you were before. You'll have so many other tasks that won't let you spend as much time with them. Instead of constantly saying "I'll talk to them later" think about something else.

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