Mid Life Crisis (MLC) Fact or Fiction? PART 2. This too will pass...


 Mid Life Crisis (MLC) Fact or Fiction? PART 2. This too will pass...

Dear Jessica,

This is the second blog post in a two-part series on dreaded MLC. In this part, I will help you distinguish between fact and fiction. Over the next few days, I will write about what causes MLCs and how to avoid them! The second part of this article is coming soon!

Your friend from across the pond,
* * * * * *     * Mid Life Crisis (MLC) Fact or Fiction? PART 2. This too will pass...* __________________ Dear Jessica,This is the second blog post in a two-part series on dreaded MLC. In this part, I will help you distinguish between fact and fiction. Over the next few days, I will write about what causes MLCs and how to avoid them! The second part of this article is coming soon!Your friend from across the pond,Makayla
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For the second part of the Mid Life Crisis (MLC) Fact or Fiction series, I will be responding to some of my own thoughts with regards to whether MLC is a specific event that can happen to anyone at any time in their life. Let's get to it! Can people develop a Mid Life Crisis? YES. The world we live in is full of examples of people who have experienced MLCs.
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Should I be honest? YES. Honesty is a virtue! Being honest about what you want in life, reveals your interests, wants and desires. It also lets people know that you have a great deal of confidence in who you are and what your dreams are for the future. Furthermore, being honest about what you want is empowering because it makes you feel good about yourself and your abilities. The more honest you can be with yourself, the more empowered your future will feel!
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Is this really that bad? NO. MLC is a very normal part of the human experience. If you have ever felt lost or confused about your career, relationships or life path, then you are not alone! Feelings of uncertainty and anxiety are extremely common in our society. We often feel that we need to conform to what everyone else is doing with their lives to be successful, when in actuality this makes us feel worse. It's important to know that feeling lost has no bearing on your worth as a person. Feeling lost happens to everyone because uncertainty and anxiety are an inherent part of the human condition!
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Will I regret it later? YES... AND NO. There are no easy answers to this question. I believe that you will regret it if you don't do what you want now, compared to when you are older. However, there is no way for me to know whether or not what you want now is the same as what you will want in 20 years from now. If there was a way for me to see into the future, I would be publishing my own book on how to solve Mid Life Crisis!
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Can I afford it? YES. The truth is that you can afford any of your dreams. It all depends on your priorities and the amount of time, energy and money that you are willing to invest. The only thing that will limit you from achieving your future dreams is yourself.
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Do I need to wait until a certain age? NO. As long as you go into life with the right attitude, then there is nothing holding you back. So don't wait! There is no time limit on starting your next chapter in your life.
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What should I do if I am suffering from MLC? Remember that feelings of uncertainty are normal. Embrace those feelings and start accepting them as a part of your experience. Do what you need to feel empowered, not what everyone else tells you to do. Be honest with yourself and listen to your gut instinct that tells you what you need to do, even if every part of you tells you not to!
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The important thing about MLC is that it doesn't define who or what we are or who we will become. MLC is a crucial part of our learning process, so be open to adapting the new things that you learn along the way. Now that you know the difference between fact and fiction, start flexing your creative muscles so that you can solve your current MLC!
A big hug,
So there you have it! That's my answer on whether or not we should worry about MLC happening in our lives. I hope this gives you more clarity regarding this topic and that you are able to embrace change as a good thing instead of something to be scared of! I will write more about MLC in my next blog post soon!
The next blog post is coming soon...
Makayla <3
This is Makayla with you in the UK. So I am writing this post to talk to you about Mid Life Crisis and what it means. In this post, I will give my background and use an example story of my own life as a way of explaining how Mid Life Crisis is possible and what it feels like and why it happens. To begin, I want to let you know that I am not a clinical psychologist or any sort of professional and I am simply sharing my experience with you. There is no cure for Mid Life Crisis, it just passes. My hope is that by reading my experiences and being able to relate to them, you will come to understand MLC better.
The first time I had a MLC was when I was about 18 years old. At the time, I was at university studying social work and every undergraduate student goes through their transition from undergrad to graduate school. I had a lot of stress and pressure to get good grades but my stress was soon to get worse as I realized that I wasn't having the most fun and fulfilling life. At the time, I was too young to understand what Mid Life Crisis is and it took a while for me to realize that this is just a process we all go through.
I felt like I lost my personality because all the other girls in my class were so focused on their grades that they didn't want to do anything fun with me. This made me feel even more stressed because I started feeling like I am losing myself and this caused doubt in everything that I did.

The points I want to get across to you are:
- Mid Life Crisis is real
- It will pass and it is not the end of the world
- You can solve it but you have to have the right mindset and attitude
- No one is perfect and everyone has their crisis or moments where they feel lost in life. (I think everyone goes through this, even those who appear to be happy all the time.)  
The key here is figuring out what it is that makes us happy and then focusing on that! :) There are many ways to find happiness in life, definitely do not limit yourself.

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