Moments of Clarity: The Power of Claiming Your Life


 Moments of Clarity: The Power of Claiming Your Life

Claiming your life is a process that must be done deliberately and with intention. In the following article I will outline some steps to help you claim your life.

a) Find what holds you back
b) Choose something new to claim in place of the thing holding you back
c) Claim that thing in your life by doing whatever it takes. 
d) Allow yourself time to process and adjust before moving on to the next step. 
e) Continue this process for as long as necessary until all things are claimed, or until it becomes too challenging and/or risky for you to continue with any more changes.

Step One – Find what holds you back
It may be an external obstacle, or perhaps something in the mind, spirit, or body. If it's an external obstacle, perhaps it is fear of your own limitations, fear of not being good enough, fear of change, fear of failure. In any case, find out what holds you back and what is influencing it. Write down this information and put it somewhere safe where you can see it every day.
Step Two – Choose something new to claim in place of the thing holding you back
You want to replace the obstacle with something that is more positive and healthy for you. Choose something that has a higher vibration and will give you a more powerful boost. Pick the one thing that would help you the most and put it in your life. You may have an idea, or perhaps it will be something completely new to you. May it be something physical, like moving to a different town or state, or could it be something that is more mental/spiritual, such as praying for a specific person? Whatever it is, decide which one will make the biggest impact on your life and focus on that until Step Three.
Step Three – Allow yourself time to process and adjust before moving on to the next step
Give yourself some time to feel what you are claiming before moving forward. Once you've settled into the new vibration and have adjusted to the change, you are ready for the next step.
Step Four – Continue this process for as long as necessary until all things are claimed, or until it becomes too challenging and/or risky for you to continue with any more changes.
Continuing this process will help you claim your life in a healthy way. It is not a magic pill that will fling everything out of your life whenever you want it to happen. You may have to wait years before any real progress is made, but at least you are on the right path doing things in a positive way rather than allowing gravity or other people's negative beliefs about yourself to dictate your life decisions.
Step Five – After claiming your life feel free to share your experience with others
When you can successfully claim your life you will enjoy sharing your experience with others. You will be able to help people who are in need of the same process. You can do this by helping them find their obstacles and envisioning the things they would like to replace those obstacles with. Working together, you can help each other achieve a sense of peace and happiness that will last throughout your lives.

Peter Moon is a Spiritual Medium, Teacher, Healer, Author, Producer and Director. He founded in 2009 and writes articles on Mediumship, Spiritual Development and Spirituality. He is the owner of the radio show 'The Lunacy Project' on SiriusXM channel 72. His books include "Spiritual Medium" (2012) and "Abandoned Places" (2014).

Formerly a Professional Football Player with the Toronto Argonauts, Peter has been helping people since 1995, offering them holistic services to help them through their lives. Peter is known for using his psychic mediumship abilities to request specific messages from Spirit for those he is working with. These messages give clients answers to the questions they may have regarding their lives and their loved ones that have passed on.

Peter Moon has been featured on Mediachannel, the Spiritual Truth Network and CBC Radio 2. He has been interviewed on various shows including "Dateline NBC", "The Michael Coren Show" and "The Power of Phrasal Verbs". Peter has also been featured in the Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, Sun News, NXNE , The Vancouver Sun, The Province and Metroland newspapers. Peter appeared on the 'Hollywood Medium' TV series on TVOntario
He has also shared his story with the mainstream media including The Globe & Mail's 'Star' Magazine .
In 2013 Peter began recording a weekly online radio show called 'The Lunacy Project'.

Peter released his first book, Spiritual Medium, in 2012. It is a book on how to be a spiritual medium and offers spiritual advice for people on their life journey. Spiritual Medium became a bestseller on Amazon and was even named one of Amazon's Top Spiritual Books of 2012
This book was followed by his 2nd New York Times bestselling book Abandoned Places which was published in 2014. Abandoned Places is about haunted places around the world such as Gallows Hill, The Pink Motel and The Stanley Hotel. An adapted version of the book (Abandoned Canada) was released later in 2014.
Peter Moon has been interviewed by the Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, Sun News, NXNE , The Vancouver Sun, The Province and Metroland newspapers.

Peter Moon is also a regular guest on Millennium Radio & SiriusXM channel 72 (Canada). He also hosts two weekly shows on the channel "The Lunacy Project" and "Spiritual Medium".

As a result of various appearances Peter has been featured in the Toronto Star and Global TV news. He was also featured in the Hollywood Medium television program. He has also appeared on 'The World's Most Haunted' show with Wayne Madsen. Peter Moon has been featured on Mediachannel as an expert in mediumship and health. He has also appeared on the Spiritual Truth Network and CBC Radio 2. He is a weekly blogger on the Huffington Post

The Lunacy Project 
Spiritual Medium 
Abandoned Places (Book) Abandoned Places (Magazine)

Spirits are everywhere and have been with us since the beginning of time. They are always trying to get our attention and let us know they can help us in ways we cannot see ourselves. They do not necessarily choose those who go into a profession such as mediumship, but they do choose those who decide to be open to the belief that it exists. There is nothing about being a medium that is easy or comfortable for them, but once chosen, there is no denying it. From the time they 'wake up' to this power, life is never the same again. This book is an account of some of these experiences.

~ Peter Moon

Spiritualism is a belief that the spirits of those who have passed can communicate with us. They try to get our attention so they can help us in ways we cannot see ourselves. They are not necessarily trying to reach out to those who become mediums, but they do choose those who want to be open to the idea that it exists and go out of their way to prove it. From the time they begin this journey, life is never again the same for them and neither are those around them.

Conclusion: mediumship is part of the spiritual world and shows that the spirit world is a part of our everyday life. Ministry mediums such as Peter Moon use their abilities to help others in developing their gifts and to inspire others to strive for the same.

Improve Your Life

Get The Peace You've Always Wanted

Start Connecting With People Around You! 

According to Peter Moon, life is about transformation. When we eat, we convert energy from our food into life energy that keeps us alive. When we're sad, we cry out for help from those who have passed on so they can relate and provide comfort and peace in these tough times.

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