New Year Resolutions - Do They Really Work?


 New Year Resolutions - Do They Really Work?

The New Year is the time to reflect on both your personal and professional goals. It’s also a time when people make promises to improve themselves, hold themselves closer to their loved ones, and make an impact on this world. These promises are usually made each year and yet, over 90% of them are broken! While there are many reasons for this failure rate, one of the most common is that resolutions aren't well-thought out.

So, to help you make your New Year resolutions more meaningful and influential, here are 16 tips that can help you keep them. Which one will you go for?

1. The words "New Year" should not be used in New Year's resolutions. Try "year-round," or "lifelong" instead.
2. Set realistic goals for yourself rather than dreaming about what you want to do tomorrow. It’s easy to lose sight of where someone is at in life, without realizing that every day gets harder, with each passing year. Don’t fall into that trap! 3. Break down your objectives into small manageable steps so they are more likely to be realized and accomplished by you. 4. If you can, outline the steps in writing. The essence of any resolution is an intention or desire to do something.
5. Set reasonable targets and deadlines for each objective and specify how you will achieve them. 6. Keep track of your goals by writing them down and reviewing them regularly, even if it’s only once a month. Reviewing it at regular intervals ensures you don't lose sight of your goal and how long before it's achieved. 7. Don’t announce your resolutions until they are ready to be implemented (and completed). 8. Make a commitment to not just your goal but to a person or group, such as a self-help group or a therapist. This can help motivate you and keep you accountable for your promise. 9 . Get support from others, like your family and friends, and let them know how they can help you achieve your goal. 10 . Know that there is no shame in backsliding or failure. Accept it and move on! 11 . Don’t be afraid to ask for help from others if you need to work on one of the goals listed in step 5. 12 . Don’t force yourself to make your goals overly complex. For example, setting a goal of losing 15 pounds is much better than making a goal to improve the quality of life for your family by taking the kids out to do activities more often or something like that. 13 . If you feel uncomfortable about starting a resolution at this time, don't be afraid to take a few months off until you're ready to go again. 14 . Realize that not all resolutions are going to be kept. Look at it as taking one step closer everytime you try. 15 . Be honest with yourself and be realistic with how much you can do in one day, week or even year. 16 . Look at the glass half full rather than half empty.
Do you want to make a difference? Then make your goals DIFFERENT!
The facts are very clear. One of the most powerful and simple ways to improve your life is to simply choose different options!
"One decision - or one mistake - can change everything."
Michael Scott, The Office (US)
A study was recently conducted by researchers at Harvard University and they discovered that when people are given the opportunity to make a choice that leads them down an alternative path, they often become more satisfied with their life. This is why we continuously tell our clients: "Think Different!" It's simple, it's real and it's powerful....because it leads people to choose different and better options in both their work and life.
In many areas of our lives, we tend to make the most important decisions based on scheduling, convenience, cost and tradition. However, this very limited perspective is not as reliable as we would like to think. The vast majority of the time we are making decisions that lead us down the road to unhappiness in our personal lives and career choices. When consulting with people about making a change in their career or independent living lifestyle, I make it a point to ask them what is keeping them back from changing their life for the better. I am often met with one of two responses, "it's just too hard to make that kind of life change," or "I'm too old and I can't do it."
This type of thinking is a trap that many people fall into. The fact is, any change you make in your life will be hard at first. However, the sooner you start making a positive change in your work and personal life, the easier it will become. You have to think differently to make things happen. 
A good way to get yourself on track is to remember:
"Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. So, don't wait for inspiration. Inspiration is for amateurs. You are a professional. Do it now!"
- Les Brown
Whether you're an artist, a writer, an entrepreneur or just looking to make a positive change in your life, think...different! Here are some suggestions to help you get started:
Change Your Life With These 16 Tips 1. Be clear on your reasons for wanting to make the change 2. Be specific about what you want 3. Make the changes incrementally 4. Ask yourself if you really want it 5. Let go of guilt 6. Think through all the steps in making the change 8 . Expect some failure 9 . Take baby steps 10 . Get outside help 11 . Follow proven principles 12 . Keep on track 13 . Make the change meaningful 14 . Be consistent 15 . Keep in touch with others 16 . Be patient
But what if I told you that by simply changing your mind-set and adopting a slightly different attitude toward life and work, you could be better off in your job and even more content in your personal life?
Maybe you're thinking, "I've been told this kind of thing before. What makes it different this time?"
Here's what's different: A twenty-three year old Stanford graduate is going to tell you how to be happier at work and at home.
He has the credentials to back him up, a Ph.D. in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources.
You may have heard of his work, too. It has been featured in various blogs and news sites (Business Insider) around the world.
According to Mark Murphy , it all boils down to the following:
"In order to find fulfillment at work, you have to be ready to change your attitude."
You can apply these principles no matter what career or life situation you're in!
"Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude."
Zig Ziglar
The first step is simple but often one of the most difficult for people to accept.

"Conan, I've just made the greatest discovery of my life. Life is completely meaningless. I feel like a fool for having lived so long."
Jed Clampett (Grandpa), The Beverly Hillbillies
So, you've learned how to make a resolution . And you've set your own goals . Congratulations! You are already on your way to a new and better life. Well, that's not completely true...

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