New Years Resolutions - Some New Ideas


 New Years Resolutions - Some New Ideas

The time for thinking about New Year resolutions has arrived. It's natural to want to make changes in order to improve your life and be a better person.

With that in mind, here are six ideas to consider which may help you reach these goals: 
- Acknowledge your limitations and use them as a guide 
- Get organized and learn how to prioritize 
- Stay motivated by following through on small commitments at first until they become habits 
- Focus on what you can control, not just the results of other people's actions or outside events. The old saying is "When one door closes another opens.  Be the master of your destiny, not their victim 
- Create a lifestyle without comparisons. You can't compare yourself to others because you are unique as an individual.
- Look at your body and make positive changes to it in order to live a healthier lifestyle. Don't do it just because some people do it but do it because you want your body to perform at its best.
- Don't fall into the trap of "I can't...", tell yourself that you can and then find a way to make it happen.
Here is what one anonymous person wrote about achieving their goals: "In 2010 I lost 50 pounds (more than 20) by making greater efforts with my eating habits and exercise. I have been able to work out several times a week and run 5 kilometers on most days, while eating relatively well (I'm vegetarian) and losing a little weight at once (I would not have even reached this point without the support of my friends). I also learned how to budget better and cut unnecessary expenses. I feel more peaceful than in previous years. Right now, I'm in the process of preparing myself for further self-improvement in 2011."
Here is what another person wrote about achieving their goals: "My idea of getting organized came from my desire to be able to focus on being more productive with my time. I was already pretty organized in many ways, but I knew that to accomplish my goals I would have to be more focused and disciplined. One of my big plans was to go on a diet, but the key for me was to stay committed to it and not just give up at the first sign of failure. I could have a great workout on Monday but if I gave up because I wanted a cookie at work on Tuesday then what was the point, right? Last year will be memorable for me for all the positive changes I made. I lost 50 pounds and I ran my first 5K race. And to top it all off I'm now running 5 days a week, burning about 600 calories each time.
One of the best things about the New Year is that we have a new beginning. We can set our goals and make up our minds to achieve them (without going crazy over them) by being more organized and motivated people.
Leigh Anne Jasheway is an article writer who writes many articles on a variety of different topics including how to get organized, losing weight and living healthy lifestyles.
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Forming your New-Year resolution is an important part of the beginning of a new year. It can help you to become more organized and disciplined, and create a better lifestyle for yourself. You may also benefit from setting your goal to improve yourself in certain areas.
Many people choose to write down their New Year resolutions on their desktop or laptop computer, but this is not necessary if you want to be more organized in 2011. You can use a calendar system to keep track of the progress you are making towards achieving your goals.
Use paper notes or a digital device to keep track of each resolution separately, so it's easier for you to remember them all when it is time for you finish the task at hand.

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