Obstacles or Stepping Stones?


 Obstacles or Stepping Stones?

Many people perceive obstacles as roadblocks that derail their desired future--they’re a problem to be fixed. But, in reality, obstacles are stepping stones that can help you grow and mature. Obstacles awaken our passions and encourage us to reach beyond our comfort zones; they make us face the fear of the unknown and push us to take risks. When we take these risks with courage and without fear, we learn how much more empowering life can be. This article will help you understand, embrace, and accept your challenges so you can reach your goals in less time than expected!

An obstacle is something which stands between someone or something else or which prevents that person or thing from moving forward or succeeding. An obstacle is an obstacle to someone. Obstacles are those elements that make progress difficult and they can be internal or external, physical or emotional.

The term "obstacle" always has a negative connotation, but this negativity has more to do with our perception of it than anything else. For example, if you ask someone who'll be attending college next year what their plans are for the summer, they'll probably reply by telling you about all the fun things they're going to experience at their internship or at camp. After all, they'll look back on it as one of the best times of their lives, even though it could have been better. This is an example of a person using the word "obstacle" in a positive sense, because they're describing something that's helpful to them.

On the other hand, if you ask your friend what his plans are for this summer and he tells you about how he's going to train for a marathon, then you know that he's more likely to think about obstacles in terms of challenges and challenges in terms of obstacles. In other words, the negative connotation is still there but it has nothing to do with what's actually happening.

According to Liam Martin and Jeffrey Morehouse, "Being able to embrace the obstacles in life is a prerequisite for success." We all experience some sort of obstacle in life, whether it comes in the form of our finances or emotions. However, what separates the top performers from average ones is their willingness and ability to do something about it.

The sense of helplessness that we feel when we're faced with an obstacle can be paralyzing. It's normal for us to feel disheartened when a setback happens or for us to not know what to do about some issue that's troubling us. This feeling is something we've all experienced at one point or another. However, it can be very helpful as a learning experience if we realize that the feeling isn't something bad, but rather something that can help us learn about ourselves. This is why we should embrace our emotions and try to use them as a means of self-improvement.

If we take a step back from our situations and focus on what's happening emotionally and how this obstacle may be affecting us, then the situation will start to seem less detrimental than it does when it's consuming all of our attention. This will make it easier for us to see any opportunities that may lie within these obstacles in order to find some sort of solution or productive way of dealing with them.

Be open to finding solutions during the times in which you feel stuck or powerless. Acknowledge that your emotions may be hindering you, but don't let them stop you. If we have a strong desire to succeed, then we should be willing to do whatever it takes to get there--even though this means facing our shortcomings.

We should be aware that life can throw us curveballs so often that we'll lose patience and become less patient as a result of it. This shouldn't make us give up on what we want, but rather make us realize that things will take longer than expected because we're human and not robots. Fast-tracking is something that happens naturally when we push ourselves too hard. We become impatient because we're striving to reach goals that are unrealistic, but this doesn't mean that we should give up on our long-term goals, which are achievable.

The difference between a good and poor way of dealing with obstacles is seeing them as something helpful rather than a problem. Rather than focusing on the negative outcomes that could occur, we should look for the positive results that are often found in obstacles. We can learn a lot from obstacles if we let them instead of letting them get in our way.

If life seems easier when you're not dealing with an obstacle, then you might be able to see this as an advantage. Focus on the issues that you're facing and try to find a way to deal with them. We should learn from obstacles, use them as stepping stones so we can reach our goals--whether that's graduating college or training for a marathon.

Stop seeing obstacles as roadblocks and start looking at them as opportunities for personal growth. Don't be afraid of your emotions or the situations you face because these obstacles make us better people. Simply put, obstacles are stepping stones that can help us to reach greater heights in life than we could ever imagine!

The post Obstacles or Stepping Stones? appeared first on Ordinary Life Coaching.

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Comments Posted by Ordinary Life Coaching on May 7, 2016 in Professional Development

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