Personal Development Power Tips


 Personal Development Power Tips

We all want to live the life we've always imagined. So why not take advantage of some personal development advice that will bring us closer to our goals?

In this post, you'll find a list of power tips that are especially helpful for people who want to take charge of their lives. Whether you're looking for pointers on how to get your body in shape or need some encouragement when it comes to work and relationships, these life hacks will definitely come in handy!
Bonus! Included at the end is an awesome infographic about how meditation can change your brain and improve your mental health. Make today the day you start taking control — check out these personal development power tips now.
1. Stay away from negative people
Who's a negative person? The same guy who'll bring you down with negativity in every conversation. This is no joke. His negativity will drain your energy, leave you depressed and constantly frustrated, and eventually make you turn to him for companionship.
2. Cut out the instant coffee
Studies have shown that regular coffee drinkers are less likely to suffer from depression and anxiety disorders than people who don't drink coffee at all. This may be because coffee has been shown to increase levels of dopamine in the brain, which can improve mood and feelings of wellbeing by reducing anxiety, stress and depression (source: click here ). You know what this means...
3. Watch less TV
A study conducted in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health found that watching TV causes an increase in negative emotions, a decrease in positive emotions and a decrease in social skills. It's not exactly surprising, but it's still worth noting.
4. Get off your phone more often
One day without social media is enough to make you realise how 'internet-y' our lives have become. Scrolling through ridiculous amount of cat photos on Instagram is probably not the best way to relax (source: click here ). You know what this means...
5. Be honest with others
Everyone tells little white lies from time to time — but what about big ones? They say honesty is the best policy — so don't tell us your day was awesome if it sucked. Not only does lying make you look like a fool, it can also ruin your reputation and make people start questioning your character.
7. Consider getting rid of useless stuff
It's amazing how much time we waste looking for items that we rarely use or simply don't need. If you're anything like me, you might have a ton of stuff lying around the house that doesn't really serve a purpose anymore; books you haven't read in years, clothes that don't fit, gadgets that are broken and so on. Don't keep these things in your house — throw them out or give them to charity.
10. Say YES to challenges
Are you a wimp? Have you always wanted to do something and just been too afraid to go for it? Being preoccupied with the possible risks is one of the main reasons why we don't go after what we want in life. But here's a great news — rewiring your brain will help you start saying "YES" more often , so that you can get the most out of life ( source: click here ).
11. Don't compare yourself to other people
Stop comparing yourself to other people and making negative statements about yourself. This is especially important for women. If you're super-thin, but other people think you're fat, you might start feeling insecure about your body. And if you love cooking but your friends think it's a waste of time, you might feel guilty for wasting money on food that nobody really wants to eat or be served. Feelings like these will definitely lead to self-sabotage and feeling like a failure.
14. Be honest with yourself
Everyone has a rough patch every now and then, but it's okay to admit when you've done something you regret. Don't beat yourself up or blame yourself for messing up in front of the world, that's no way to live your life. Just take responsibility and learn from the mistakes you've made.
15. Start meditating
Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool that can help people improve their life beyond belief ( source: click here ). It will improve your state of mind and make you feel more confident and centred — plus it'll increase your sense of wellbeing, which means better health in general. Read more about the benefits of meditation here .
16. Be a better listener
Not only will people appreciate your attention and kindness more, but you'll also be able to listen to them more easily. We always have something to say and we always want to talk about, so be patient with us when we try to say something. ( source: click here ).
17. Learn how to make an awesome first impression
Learning how to make the best first impression will help you get more people on board in terms of relationships, business deals and friends — and it should be a habit that you start today! Learn how by reading this article .
18. Love who you are
So many people dislike themselves on some level, and feel like they should change who they are. Stop stressing yourself out so much — learn to love yourself for the person that you are. This will help you gain confidence and give you the strength inside to take charge of your life.
20. Stay active
Exercise is one of the best ways we can get fit and improve our health and wellbeing. It's a great way to relieve stress, be socially communicative and make us happier . Plus exercising is a great way to stay strong physically ( source: click here ). Read this article on how to stay healthy at any age .
21. Give yourself a break / have fun!
If you're constantly pushing yourself to do better, you're going to end up feeling exhausted and unhappy. When's the last time you took a day off and did something just for fun? If you can't remember, it's time to make some time out of your schedule!
22. Follow your passion
Sometimes we might lose sight of our passions and forget what we love doing. Always know exactly what it is that sparks your creative spirit — and go after it with all the energy you have in you. This will ensure that you not only stay happy, but also bring joy to others ( source: click here ). Read more about how to find your true calling .

For the final time, I want to say thank you for being with me on this journey.
I really hope you've enjoyed this list and found it helpful. If you did, don't forget to share it with your friends and family — they'll thank you for it too!
If this post didn't help you at all, then I'm sorry; perhaps try reading it again from another perspective? Better yet, why not leave a comment below and let me know why didn't this work for you. I would love to hear from you!
Until next time, Anna :)
Bibliography: 1) Karen North et al, " Connecting in the digital age: The intersection of mobile communication and social media .

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