Power of a Dream

 Power of a Dream

The Power of a dream is an amazing story that that lets you know dreams are possible and there are ways to make them come true in your life. You can have the power to change your future by believing in your dreams and pushing for them; or if you don't believe it's possible, just remember that anything is possible! Anything. The Power of a Dream also says “follow your heart, not money." It says "it's always about love" and I think this quote is so accurate and powerful because love can change so many things for the better in people's lives. This book really impacted me with its powerful messages, describing what dreams really mean to each individual person. I recommend this book to people who really want to see that anything can happen, and dreams really do come true.

Reviewer: Enza, Grade 6, Portland Public Elementary Charter School
The Power of a Dream is about a boy named D'Alonzo and the events in his life that had him question whether it was possible for him to make it out of the projects, or "the Bottom" as he called it. He was very smart and always had good grades in school but he didn't get the respect he deserved from some kids his age because of where he lived. One day there was a big fire in D'Alonzo's building called "the Jungle. The police came and Took people out of the building and to a shelter but they left D'Alonzo in the building, He had to stay there because he didn't want to go with the officers. I could relate to this story because I have been in that situation before and didn't want the police officers to take me away. The author made me feel like I was actually there with D'Alonzo, it was so hard for him and then you find out he gets shot at one day and has a bullet stuck in his head. This book was sad and also funny at the same time. There were a lot of lessons in this book, like how people don't care about you when you don't have anything. I think people who want to see what life is like for those who live on the very bottom of the projects should read this book they will learn so much from it.
Reviewer: Enza, Grade 6, Portland Public Elementary Charter School
This story was amazing and I cried a bit at parts because it was so emotional. This story shows what happens to kids living in The Bottom and how they never get any respect just because they live there. I thought this book was great because it showed how one boy makes a name for himself out of nothing. 'The Power of a Dream' is about D'Alonzo and everything he has to go through because he lives in The Bottom. He gets shot at once but that doesn't stop him from making it through and achieving his dreams. Who wouldn't want to get shot at once only to realize they still can achieve their dreams? This book didn't make me cry like I was expecting but I would recommend it to anyone who wants to see how The Bottom is the same as any other place on earth, no respect.
Reviewer: Enza, Grade 6, Portland Public Elementary Charter School
D'Alonzo and his life changes from the time he is shot at then when he gets beat up by police officers and is left to wander around the city. His dreams come true when he writes a letter to his mother but it is not exactly like the letter she wrote in her mind. She writes the letter for him so he will be able to fulfill his dream of getting to college and becoming a doctor. D'Alonzo does make it into college but never becomes a doctor because he gets caught up with drugs and gangs. When he comes out of the gang life he has to work very hard to get into a University, then goes on to become a surgeon. This story is about having belief in your dreams and never giving up even if the odds are against you.
This book is about D'Alonzo and his dream of becoming a doctor. D'Alonzo is always dreaming about different professions that he wants to become in life but gets shot at by an enemy right before one of his finals and goes into a coma for several weeks. He also gets beat up by police officers after he's shot at so they can question him, they leave him out on the streets alone while they're questioning people that were inside the building with him. One day he starts hanging out with a bunch of kids that have nothing so he gets some money and helps them start up a gang. D'Alonzo is shot at by one of his gang members for not getting money for the gang. D'Alonzo does eventually get shot in the head from an enemy but still makes it through and becomes a surgeon. He goes to college then graduates on time and gets placed into Stanford Medical School where he studies medicine. I think that this book will be able to show many different things to inspire people but the most important thing is to believe in your dreams because they can happen no matter what your situation is.

Reviewer: Enza, Grade 6, Portland Public Elementary Charter School
This story is about a boy named D'Alonzo and he grew up in The Bottom. D'Alonzo wakes up every day to go to school hoping for a better day than the last. One day after he gets out of school he goes home and gets shot by an enemy right in front of his house. He is taken to the hospital in hopes that they can save him but they can't so they put him into a coma because the bullet is stuck in his head. While he's laying there asleep, doctors have to cut open his skull so they can remove the bullet and give him time to heal before healing his skull back together.

Conclusion: This story is fantastic because you get to see what it is like for those who live in The Bottom and have to go through all the taunting from people. You also get to see how a boy can turn into a man when he's going through the toughest times of his life.

Reviewer: Enza, Grade 6, Portland Public Elementary Charter School
This book is about D'Alonzo and he lives in The Bottom where he has been raised for his whole life. When D'Alonzo gets shot at everything changes for him. He never makes it back to school because he gets caught up in some things that would usually make you think twice about doing them.

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