Quiz Your Goals


 Quiz Your Goals

Quiz Your Goals
What are your goals for the next year? What are your career goals? Do you want to be a better parent or spouse this year? Make more money? Lose weight? Explore new hobbies, interests and talents while taking on a new challenge in life. As any of these topics can affect everything else and create win-win situations with other people, it's important to never forget what you want in life.

As long as you're clear on what your goals are—be they personal or professional—you'll find ways to take steps towards them every day. But there are a few steps you can take to strengthen your goals for the year.

If you're looking for ways to improve your personal life, make sure you're staying on track with your health and fitness goals. If you've joined a gym or started doing yoga, this is an opportunity to build upon that as part of your New Year's resolution. If it's more of an everyday goal, focus on eating better so that you'll be healthier and feel better.

If you want something to happen in the workplace, challenge yourself to grow professionally by pursuing new opportunities with greater depth and effectiveness than before. Your efforts will be more successful if you know exactly what you want to do, and how you want to do it.

If you're looking for a career change, think about what kind of role would be the most effective for your skills and personality. Ask yourself: What responsibility and authority do I want? What skills do I need to develop? How do I want the role to impact my career trajectory?

None of these questions are difficult or time-consuming; rather, this is a process of clarifying where you are in your career path and where you'd like to be going in the future. This is important when making real changes as people tend to find ways around it by only making small adjustments along the way.

Setting goals means being realistic and having a plan to make all your dreams come true. Of course, you are not likely to achieve every one of them, but you should have some specific goals that inspire you and guide your life.

Successful people understand the importance of setting goals and regularly strive to achieve them. Set yours now and work towards their realization!

Happy New Year!

~ The management team at Perfect Resume

Title: Happy New Year! Are You Taking Time for Your Family? [ARTICLE START] Since I've been working with Perfect Resume for over two years now, I feel like I've seen all kinds of situations. When I first started, I noticed how many applicants got caught up with work and never took a day off. It was always their family time that suffered the most. I had dinner with George's family last night and we talked about this topic. His wife told me, "This year, we're going to be more proactive about spending time together." "Sounds like a good idea," I remarked, "It's important to enjoy our lives." If you're like most people it may be difficult to take time out of your busy schedule for your family, but it is so important. You will find yourself less stressed because you are more in tune with what's going on in both your career and personal life. It's important to be able to balance the two in order to make your whole life a happy one. So instead of taking time off work to catch up with everyone, I recommend that you try spending some time working on getting more family time in. You owe it to your family. Projects can wait. This year I also want you to make a resolution for a positive change in your life. I'm going to take it a step further and make two separate New Year's resolutions for you: one goal for the new year, and the other will be a resolution on how you can improve during the next 12 months. Resolutions are not just about making promises; they are personal goals that are attainable and realistic. I'm going to ask you to make at least two resolution that are specific and make your life better. If you're not sure what you want to change, try this exercise: take a minute and select three New Year's resolutions that you want to achieve in the next 12 months. These might be as simple as making an appointment with a therapist or creating a bucket list so that in the year ahead, if something is missing in your life or if you have an opportunity for something exciting, it's there for you. I hope these suggestions help clarify some of these issues for yourself and make 2010 a more productive year (and hopefully long lasting). Best wishes for the New Year!

~ The management team at Perfect Resume.

Title: Perfect Resume's 2010 Marketing Strategy Summarized [ARTICLE START] Perfect Resumes, Inc. is going to use a new marketing strategy in 2010. This article will summarize the new approach and how it will be applied to our customers. The new strategy involves the following: 1. Continuing to develop our reputation for providing high quality services; 2. Becoming recognized as a professional resume writing service in the marketplace; 3. Ensuring we provide exemplary services that establish long-term relationships with customers; 4. Using Online Marketing, Social Media, and Traditional Tactics to achieve these goals in 2010 (more on this later). These are the goals we have set for 2010. Here's how we will measure our success: Relying on our track record as successful professionals, we will continue to focus on attracting quality candidates. We want to work with people who want a new opportunity and need our help in finding that opportunity. We want to be selective because when we place the reputation of Perfect Resume on the line, it is a big deal. It is important that everything is done right and working with the right candidates makes it easier and increases our odds of success.

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