Reaching Your Goals


 Reaching Your Goals

Everyone has a set of personal goals that they hope to achieve, and reaching those goals is the key to true happiness. But, with so much on your plate as it is, how can you make time for meeting your very own personal goals?

It's simple: break them down into manageable chunks.! Here are three ways that you can make sure not to overcomplicate things when trying to reach your goals.

Method One: Sit down once a week and come up with ways that you want to prepare or actions you want to take in order to reach those certain goals. In the next few days, make sure that you are executing on those actions and preparing for the future. This will keep you organized and on track so that when the time comes to face your goals, you'll be prepared.

Method Two: As is always said, we're a society of lists! Keep a list of things that you need to work on daily. If a goal is too overwhelming to accomplish in one day, then break it down into even smaller pieces and tackle those smaller tasks. It's better to take small actions now than it is to take no action at all!

Method Three: Remember why you want certain things in the first place. Taking a step back and realizing how close you may be to a goal or preparing for a specific event can help clear your mind and help you focus on the task at hand.

Keep in mind that those schedules don't have to fall by the wayside! It's better to take care of everything now rather than doing it all at the last minute, potentially making mistakes along the way. So, sit down, make a plan, stick with it and watch as your goals become more achievable!

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Title: Use a positive mindset to achieve your goals effectively

An interesting article on the power of positive thinking and goal-setting from Harvard Business Review:
You need to have positive thinking to achieve your goals no matter how difficult it is. In fact, scientists have discovered that people often fail to reach their goals because they overestimate the effort required and underestimate their ability to succeed.
Previous research shows that high achievers think differently from those who perform at or below average . Their pursuit of success involves several strategies and skills, the most important of which is positive thinking.
One study, for example, found that executives who thought positively received higher performance ratings from superiors and subordinates . Positive thinking was also found to be linked with increased productivity in sales teams, better job performance in telemarketers, and more sustained effort among athletes.
Why does thinking positively help people perform well? It's because when you have a positive mindset, you are more likely to have an accurate perception of reality . Positive thinking is not about seeing the world as perfect or underestimating obstacles. It's about seeing things more accurately by putting yourself in the best possible light.
Another reason why positive thinking is effective is because it helps you to achieve your goals with less effort than if you were pessimistic, cynical or depressed . Why? Because being positive is a learned skill, and it involves specific strategies that help you to manage stress, stay optimistic, and think clearly.
Make sure that you are thinking positively if you hope to achieve your goals. With this in mind, try to stay focused on the positives when pursuing them. Instead of focusing on the things that could go wrong or are outside of your control , start to take control of the situation as soon as possible . Keep in mind that possibilities are endless , and there is always a way to achieve what you want . Where there is love there is life and where there is life there is ultimate power !
Read More Here - http://hbr.

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