Recapture The Lost Glow Of Your Skin By Stopping Smoking!


 Recapture The Lost Glow Of Your Skin By Stopping Smoking!

It is estimated that smoking causes at least thirty thousand deaths a year in the U.S. alone, and over 6 million worldwide. Smoking also has a negative effect on your skin because it irritates, dries and reduces the amount of collagen production.

Giving up smoking is not an easy task for many smokers but it can be done in time with the appropriate support from certified therapists and online quit smoking resources. Stopping smoking can be hard but you won't regret it when you see what kind of positive effects quitting will have on your skin.

Try to imagine the glow of your skin before you started smoking and this will motivate you to continue with your attempts of becoming a non-smoker. You might think that your skin will not be the same again but the good news is that it can be repaired when you give up smoking.

The process of repair is not an easy one and it might take a while but there are numerous ways through which you can help your body restore its natural glow by giving up smoking, like:

Drink a lot of water – water helps cleanse your blood and makes it easier for waste products to leave the body, including those excreted during smoking. It also makes your skin look better by lessening wrinkles and pores.

Cut down or change the type of food you eat – The sooner you give up smoking, the better it will be for your skin. It is important to eliminate carbonated drinks and sugary foods like candy. Eat more vegetables and fruits to keep your body healthy and reduce smoking's harm on your health.

Exercise regularly – Exercise is proven to help you both physically and mentally, especially if you have a habit of smoking because it strengthens both muscles and heart. Weight loss might increase as well but this will happen slowly after quitting so it will not help much in the short term.

Go to bed early – Your body gravitates towards its natural rhythm and when you are awake for too long, this might disrupt it. Better go to bed earlier than usual in order to get more sleep and let your body naturally recover from the stress.

Take short naps during the day – Many people think that naps are only for those who are not able to sleep at night so they can find out a way to deal with the daytime fatigue but this is a myth. A nap can help your body restore lost energy, help you unwind and be rejuvenated. When you start growing up and ageing, a nap will help you regain some of that lost energy.

Get enough sleep – Sleep is not just for healthy people, it is an important part of your body's regeneration process. If you are a smoker and you are cutting down on time spent sleeping, you might be putting your body at risk for infections and getting sick. Getting enough sleep will help the body have the energy it needs to recover from the stress caused by smoking.

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How To Give Up Smoking And Lose Weight In One Week
This article is focused on helping smokers quit smoking and get back to the healthy life they once had. This is done by going over the facts about addiction and the health risks associated with it... and then going over how to kick the habit and gain some weight in one week. This topic is a very important one for many reasons, but first and foremost, let's talk about addiction in this case.
This is a very important question that needs to be asked, because tobacco and smoking has been proven to be one of the most addictive substances on the planet. Even more so than some illegal drugs on the streets. Many people are finding it difficult to give up smoking cigarettes and are in fact even worried about it which is why this article will cover this question in great detail.
The answer lies within a special type of addiction known as physical dependency and chemical dependency...
Physical dependency happens when you have grown so accustomed to taking a product or drug that without it your body reacts negatively. For example, if you were to stop drinking coffee cold turkey, you would experience some withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue and headaches as well as cravings for it. This is because your body has grown accustomed to it. Your body is physically dependent on the caffeine in coffee. The same can be said for nicotine and cigarettes.
Physical dependency happens when you have grown so accustomed to taking a product or drug that without it your body reacts negatively. For example, if you were to stop drinking coffee cold turkey, you would experience some withdrawal symptoms such as fatigue and headaches as well as cravings for it. This is because your body has grown accustomed to it. Your body is physically dependent on the caffeine in coffee. The same can be said for nicotine and cigarettes.
For millions of Americans, the physical dependency on cigarettes is what makes it so difficult to quit smoking. It is because this physical dependency that many people try to give up cigarettes and end up failing miserably. The withdrawals are so hard that many people go back to smoking and continue on their merry way.
So what can you do about this? Well, you need to understand that giving up cigarettes cold turkey is not the way to go about it. The best way to do it would be in a gradual manner so as not to experience too much withdrawal.
While cutting down on cigarettes at a gradual rate is the best thing you can do to help ease the physical dependency, you need to address the chemical dependency as well. Your body is so used to receiving nicotine that it has become chemically dependent on that substance. This means that if you were to stop smoking cigarettes your body would actually start producing its own nicotine, which would be poisonous and could lead to death, or even worse...
Taking a pill or an over-the-counter medication for nicotine withdrawal does work, but only for a short time because once your body becomes used to them it will stop working. This is why it is highly advised that you talk to a medical professional about this and give them a list of the medications that you are taking. If for any reason those medications are not safe for your health, it is important that you pick an alternative.
So what can be done to ease withdrawal symptoms and kick the smoking habit in one week?
One of the first things that you can do is start cutting down on cigarettes one at a time. For example if you smoke ten cigarettes per day, try cutting back to nine cigarettes per day. Keep doing this until you get to zero, then stop completely. Cutting back slowly allows your body time to adjust and will lessen the withdrawals associated with stopping cold turkey.

It's time for the question time! Have you given up smoking? Are you hoping for a successful week? Well now is your chance to leave a comment and discuss this topic with others. Hopefully, you will be able to kick the habit in one week and gain some weight as well. Take care and let's get started on this discussion!
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