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Have you ever thought to yourself, "I want to do X but I don't know how"? Well, you are not alone. The ease with which we can find expert advice on the Internet has given rise to a social norm where we all want to help each other learn everything from how to tie a bowtie, play "Karate Kid," or improve our SAT scores. 

However, the most common refrain of those seeking advice is that they just don't know where or how to start. This is because there is no place online for people who want help and support in starting something new - especially when it's difficult and/or daunting even figuring out what one's true interests are. It's a real conundrum, because we all know that starting something new is absolutely critical to accomplishing one's goals!

So why isn't there a platform where we can receive help in making an easy start? We want to help people cut through the quagmire of information overload by creating such a platform. We want to make it easy for people to find and connect with those who are able and willing to give the right kind of support in exploring and launching a new endeavor. 

We're two social entrepreneurs (Brett R., @brettr, and Cassandra H., @cassandra_h) who want to harness the power of social media to achieve this goal.

This is how we're doing it:
(Note that the URL for hasn't gone live yet, so please excuse the domain listed here.) 

When you sign up for PostPost, you'll be able to create a public profile that includes a short bio and picture that will show up on your post as well as other people's feeds. Your profile will also include your "Ideas" section, where you can list your talents, interests, and goals in an organized list with brief descriptions of each item. 

After you've created your profile, it's time to start posting what we like to call " PostPicts ".


PostPost is the perfect place for people who want to make a new start, either starting something new, finishing something they started, or seeking advice on how to start it. The fact that the site is free and easy to use will encourage people to post their posts and engage in discussions. Furthermore, PostPost provides a public directory of those who are interested in helping others launch things - whether that's trying to pick up women or improve one's SAT scores!
- Brett R. & Cassandra H.

A simple way for us to help you start something new that you have always wanted.

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