Rediscover The Power Of Visualization In The Law Of Attraction


 Rediscover The Power Of Visualization In The Law Of Attraction

You may have heard of the law of attraction, but have you ever heard of the Law of Visualization? Visualization is a major component in the Law of Attraction. It allows you to reach goals and dreams by creating specific mental images that are both executable and believable to others. In this article, I will explain what visualization is and how it is used in your personal life as well as your professional life.

I will also discuss some different types of visualization techniques that can be used with success in attracting wealth, happiness or love into your life. I will give you some examples of how I use visualization in my Law of Attraction coaching and how you can add visualization techniques to your daily practice.

What Is Visualization?
Simply, it is a way of creating images in your mind's eye that are so real three-dimensional that they feel as if they are physical reality. The imagery can take many forms, but one demonstrates the power of visualization:

I visualize myself as a king on my throne. I imagine sitting there wearing silks, jewels and fine jewelry. Surrounding me are servants, soldiers and allies who serve me and protect me from threats. I am happy and satisfied, and I enjoy the absolute pleasure of the moment.

This is a perfect example of how visualization works. It is a mental image that feels as if it were real. But is it real?

Visualization Is Real!
Visualization can be so lifelike that you can touch or feel it. That's what happens when you visualize yourself as an entrepreneur in your business, talking to angel investors about your company with a background full of potential customers listening in online. You are cold, wet and hungry, but everything else feels like a dream—so warm and beautiful you almost forget to breathe. And then you launch your website and everyone who lands on your website reads your message and calls you . . . or emails you . . . or writes you an article about you in their industry's news feed. You feel so powerful and prosperous, it feels as if your company is already a success.

That's what visualization feels like in your mind. But is it real? The answer is simple: Yes, visualization is real! And that's exactly why it will work to help you achieve all of your goals, desires and dreams.

It Works!
As I have already mentioned, visualization can be so realistic that you can literally feel it. That's right, if you visualize yourself as a young business owner and you actually become an entrepreneur with a company that is successful and profitable, you will feel like it was real.

On the other hand, if you have visions of yourself as a rich movie star with millions of dollars in the bank, then the reality of this vision will be hard to experience. You may even feel like it never happened. But it did! Your thoughts created something that was physical in your mind . . . even though your money never existed in reality. The Law of Attraction is not about making reality! It's about creating something that you already believe will become real. In other words, it's about creating a vision that is so believable that you are willing to do whatever it takes to bring it into reality.

The visualizations that most often become true are the ones that you have played over and over in your mind until you have committed them to memory. If you have no vision of your success and create nothing but negative thoughts of failure, you will experience failure. It's as sure as gravity! The course of your life is determined by the images that you've created in your mind.

In order to manifest the life you truly desire, you must understand that your thoughts are not just dreams wandering around aimlessly in the sky. They are physical creations that have a direct impact on your ability to achieve and have what you desire. In other words, they give you everything you need to get exactly what it is that you want.

How Your Thoughts Affect Your Life

Take a moment and look at the world around you. You might want to go out and see what the people around you are doing. You can see them, hear them, smell their food and feel the air in their lungs. These are real life experiences that you are having because you can see, hear, smell and feel them.

Now look at your thoughts. You have a lot of thoughts each day—day after day after day—that you have no control over! They all come to you like a flood of water running down a mountain stream, pushing through your mind one after another and pushing down deeper than ever before. Your thoughts are like that raging river flowing through your mind day after day without pause or hesitation.

And yet you have control of them! You can shape your thoughts the way you want. You can shape them in any direction that you wish!

You have a life in your mind, just as surely as you have a body in the real world. The only way that you can experience these thoughts is by using the power of visualization to help them become real. It turns out that everything we imagine becomes real—both the good and the bad. Why? Because one day someone must have imagined these ideas into existence . . . and someone has to be willing to give it reality by doing whatever it takes to make it happen.

And the best news is that you can make anything happen with the power of visualization!

The Power to Create Anything You Want

It doesn't matter what it is. It could be a new car, a house, $1 million, your own business or even winning the lottery. Visualizing your desire is the first step in creating something out of nothing. It's like planting a seed in fertile soil and then watering it with love and nurturing it with constant care until it grows into something of value and returns tenfold what you have given in energy and devotion. Visualization is your first step in gaining control over any aspect of your reality that you desire.

You can visualize what your life will be like in just a few minutes. You can visualize how you want it to be and then go out into the world and take actions that will make it real. You can make your unwanted thoughts disappear by imagining them being replaced with visions of the life that you want . . . visualizing them filling up your mind with every detail of the reality of your dreams.


Visualization is the rhythmic occurrence of strong, repetitive thoughts. These thoughts can be as simple as picturing a beautiful sunset while sitting under a tree in the middle of the day or they can be as complex as conjuring up an image of winning a lottery that's worth millions. Either way, it's your belief that creates what you visualize and makes it real!

Visualization is the most important tool in manifesting whatever you want. It will allow you to make all kinds of positive changes to your life by changing how your mind thinks about things.

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