Reducing The Stress In Your Life: Personal & Realistic Solutions


 Reducing The Stress In Your Life: Personal & Realistic Solutions

For many people, stress is simply a part of life. It comes from our jobs, our relationships, or even just the general state of the world. And while we may not be in control of some stressors in our lives, we can take action to reduce what we do have control over.

We've collected here a list practical and personal tips for reducing your everyday stress levels in order to lead a more peaceful and fulfilling life.

1. Take a walk

Take a small break from your regular routine and go for a walk. Go on a stroll around your neighborhood, or go to the park or the beach. Getting some fresh air outdoors is not only refreshing, but it can also give you some much-needed space to clear your head.

2. Meditate or do yoga

Meditation and yoga can help improve stress levels by helping you focus inward and enjoy peace of mind. If you're new to meditation, try guided meditation sessions on apps like Headspace or Calm in order to introduce yourself slowly to the practice.

3. Exercise

Working out can be a great way to relax, in addition to providing long-term benefits for your health. It's also an effective stress reliever because it gives you something productive and positive to focus on and can give you a measurable sense of accomplishment that helps fight anxiety and depression.

4. Eat right

Eating well is another important component of living well, and improving your diet can help reduce stress levels by improving your overall health and energy levels. Avoid foods that are high in sugar or fat as part of an overall healthy diet plan to give your body the nutrients it needs to function optimally at all times.

5. Work less and relax more

If you have limited free time, you can choose to spend less time working and more time relaxing. Take advantage of free time and find things to do that will help reduce your stress levels. If you're not sure what to do, try some online or offline activities that are fun for the whole family.

6. Get plenty of sleep

Getting enough sleep is an essential part of reducing stress levels, but it can be difficult to get enough rest at times. Try taking a nap in the afternoon or before going out with friends on weekends as a way to rejuvenate your body and mind. A good night's sleep can also help with insomnia and help you get through a tough workday more easily.

7. Don't take on more than you can handle

In any situation, it's important to remember to avoid taking on more than you can handle. Don't overextend yourself by working too hard, carrying too many responsibilities, or taking on too much in your personal or professional life. It is often easier said than done, but not being able to balance things out will only make you feel stressed and anxious.

8. Don't sweat the small stuff

Try not to get caught up in small issues that won't really matter in the long run. Instead, direct your energy towards a positive attitude and let go of trying to control every little detail of your life. Small problems can begin to pile up and make you feel even worse if you let them.

9. Be kinder to yourself

In order to live a stress free life, it's crucial that you give yourself some positive attention and compassion. So when you're feeling stressed or stressed out, try giving yourself some self-compassion by taking some time to relax and meditate. Spending time with a pet, doing something silly, or even going for a walk can improve your mood and make your positive intentions transform into positive actions.

10. Have a positive outlook

When you have a positive outlook, you can avoid dwelling on negative things that aren't worth worrying about. Try to keep your mind open to possibilities and opportunities instead of focusing on your problems. When you put yourself in a better place mentally, you can make better decisions and live a happier life.

11. Be grateful for what you have

Try to remember that life is more than what's happening with other people and everything in general – all the amazing thoughts, feelings, and experiences that come from living. Instead of stressing over what may not be working out as planned, try to stay positive about the good things in your life instead of focusing on the bad.

12. Stay positive

Studies show that positive thinking can actually make people more successful, healthier and happier. It can also reduce stress levels by helping you focus on the things that are in your control and letting go of things that aren't. When you're dealing with difficult people or situations, don't let anger or frustration get the best of you – instead, choose to stay positive in order to create a happier life full of better choices and opportunities.

13. Learn how to say no

As much as you'd like to say yes to every opportunity life throws at you, sometimes it's important to know when you really can't take on any more responsibilities or projects. In order to deal with stress, learn how to say no to people when you really can't or don't want to. As hard as it may be, learning how to say no can save you from overworking yourself and creating unnecessary stress.

14. Ask for help

When you're feeling overwhelmed by your problems, it's easy to want help. But if you don't ask for help in the first place, you might never know that someone is there willing and able to help you out with anything that needs doing at any time of the day or night. Seeking out some professional counseling can be a great way to deal with some tough problems by turning your attention outward instead of inwards.

15. Be careful with your choices

While we may all have a certain amount of control over what happens in our lives, we don't always have a lot of control over how life plays out for us. So instead of trying to change every single thing and every single person you come in contact with, take some time and learn how to value yourself more. When you learn how to let go and accept the things that are out of your control, you can focus on other areas that you can affect for the better.

These tips are just a handful of things you can do to deal with stress in your life. Remember that there's no single solution to dealing with stress. All you have to do is commit to making some positive changes every day and you'll be stress free in no time.

Looking for information on reducing stress? Check out the rest of our blog! We have articles about how to meditate and new articles about how exercise can alleviate anxiety.

Image sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10&11.

Written by Chelsey Lee Chelsey is a freelance writer who writes about mental health issues in addition to a variety of other topics for several online publications. She also works as a mental health blogger for Treatment4Addiction.


Stress has been and always will be a part of life. It is inevitable in our environment. But by learning how to reduce stress and cope with our stressful environments, we can make it easier to deal with, even without breaking down from the pressure of it all.

But you have to be aware of what causes you stress and work on reducing it whenever possible. I mean, some people like working under pressure and keeping up in fast paced situation so they are able to take on more responsibilities. They like being able to finish things up quickly because they know that once their work is delivered, they can relax a bit more now.

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