Removing Stress From Your Life: The Art Of Practicing Feng Shui


 Removing Stress From Your Life: The Art Of Practicing Feng Shui

How do you reduce stress and live a more fulfilling life? One simple, yet powerful way to find peace within yourself is by decorating your home with healing feng shui that promotes not only physical, mental and emotional balance, but overall health.

For thousands of years people have been practicing feng shui as a way to improve the quality of life in their homes. The art originated in China and promotes living in harmony with nature through managing the flow of energy around your living space.

Today there are many different schools of feng shui, but the golden rule remains the same: organize your space around a central focal point. Feng shui is all about placing various items in your home that harmonize with one another and create a balance you can feel.

In order for your home to be pleasing to the eye and beneficial to your health, it must have a flow of energy that allows it to thrive and prosper in the manner you desire.

One of the key principles of feng shui is that living spaces should not be overly crowded; thus, each area of the home must have enough space to allow it to breathe. After you furnish your home, the next step is to practice feng shui in your daily life. Following these simple steps will provide you with a peaceful existence:

Get rid of clutter and excess furniture in rooms that don't have a central focal point and/or only one function. This allows the energy to flow freely and it also creates a calming effect.

Make sure your home has fresh air circulating through every room. If your home doesn't have enough ventilation, consider installing a natural air purifier such as plants and fountains; both provide fresh oxygen while reducing allergens. Also consider using room fresheners that remove stale odors and improve the smell of your home.

The bathroom is one of the most important areas in the home to practice feng shui. When it comes to bathroom feng shui, remember that water flows downward and you want the water to flow freely without interruption, so make sure all your drains are clear and pipes and faucets are working properly. If you have bath salt crystals, place them on your tub ledge as a promise of health, wealth and happiness. Have a new shower curtain, a hot water bottle, candles or stones that are particularly suited to your needs.

If you have an open floor plan in your home, it's important to have free circulation throughout the living space. If there is not enough space, consider adding pieces of furniture or plants that block or redirect the flow of energy in your home. If you have an aquarium in your living room, consider placing a tall piece of furniture in front of it to block the energy and create a focal point.

Feng shui teaches that the best places for beds, chairs and computers are along the perimeter of a room. It also teaches us that nothing should be placed directly before or behind your bed; this is called "killing the chi", which is not good for health. As far as furniture placement within the home, the best area is along one of the four walls of your home. Also make sure you have enough choices to choose from when selecting furniture in each room; this creates an abundance of energy.

To help distribute energy throughout your home, it's important to have weighted feng shui that creates balance and harmony. One method used to place items in order to achieve balance is called the "Yin Yang" theory. This means two things placed on top of each other (on an angle) will create balance. This can be done with chairs, mirrors, ornaments and furniture.

When placing items in your home, it's important that you create a focal point within your home by keeping your living space well-organized and where everything has a use; this leads to a feeling of harmony and accomplishment.

We all have our favorite rooms in the home. The problem is that we sometimes overdo the décor, which creates an imbalance of energy in our space. Feng shui teaches that our favorite space is usually the bathroom and that every home should have one, as it promotes good health and well-being. The bath area is perfect for relaxation, reflection and regeneration; it's a place where we can give ourselves time to pamper, heal and rejuvenate.

Feng shui teaches that every home should have a "den" or reading area. This is an area where you can retreat from the pressures of life, relax and do not have to worry about what's going on in the other parts of your home. The den is also a great place for solace and rest, as it provides privacy for whatever we may be doing there.


The above tips are only a start; there are many ways to make your home beautiful, healthy and peaceful. Don't forget to add decorations that promote health, such as fresh flowers, herbal teas and essential oils. Doing this can improve your mood while adding beauty to your home.

Feng shui is a wonderful tradition practiced in thousands of homes worldwide; it's an art that also has benefits other than beautification. Feng shui has been scientifically proven to have an effect on people's health.

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