Repackage Your Self. Being Confident Does Not Mean You Have To Be Offensive.


 Repackage Your Self. Being Confident Does Not Mean You Have To Be Offensive.

There are many people out there that think that the quickest route to success is to dress a certain way, say certain things, and act in a certain way. While I fully agree with this statement, I disagree with how it’s being executed by so many people.

You see, we cannot control what other people think about us no matter how hard we try. We can only control what we present to them. For instance, I see a lot of people out there who are going to great lengths just to say a racial epithet, just to get attention.

This is not good in any way shape or form. What they fail to realize is that they are bringing attention to their name, and are literally turning black people against themselves. This is not something we should be doing.

As far as the clothes go, what most people fail to realize is that there’s no correlation between you wearing certain clothing and your success in life. We saw that in the past when Kim Kardashian wore pants and no shirt, and tried to talk down to people. Well, she ended up being a millionaire later on.

I’m not saying we shouldn’t dress well. I’m saying that you can’t wear certain clothes just to impress other people, because you end up looking like an idiot.

As far as your speech goes, you shouldn’t feel the need to be politically correct at all times. The moment that you censor yourself is the moment that you’re going to start saying things that are offensive.

Be politically incorrect, but don’t say things just to get a reaction from people. You know what I mean? In this day and age, if you say something just to be racist or sexist and get a rise out of people – then you’re probably going to be miserable in life.

If you’re a minority, if you’re supporting any kind of minority group, then don’t be attacking the majority. Remember, too many minorities attack the majority thinking that it’s going to help them. In reality, it makes them look bad and completely ignorant to a whole other group of people that they do not need to offend.

There are people who try too hard to be something else by saying things that aren’t true. Remember, if you truly love yourself then you should not care what other people think of you. The moment that you care is the moment that you’re going to start acting like a fool and saying things that are completely ridiculous.

For instance, people who have too much plastic surgery on their face. I know that they do it to look younger or whatever, but once they dial it up past a certain point, they end up looking awful and completely fake.

As a general rule, I believe in the 90/10 rule. This means that you should look like yourself 90 percent of the time and then only change 10 percent of your appearance.

If you’re a man and have long hair, then keep it long but make sure it looks good. If you’re a woman with natural hair, keep it natural but make sure it looks good. The same thing goes for your clothing as well.

In this day and age, you don’t have to dress like a certain way to be successful. You do, however, have to be yourself.

I recommend that you always keep your cool and stay out of trouble as much as you possibly can. Once you get in trouble and start acting up, it’s going to make it very difficult for you to get ahead in life.

If you respect yourself and others, then you will be respected by others. It’s as simple as that. Do not fall for the trap of people who are trying to make themselves look better by putting you down.

Remember, confidence does not mean that you have to be offensive or rude to others. In fact, if you have a problem with someone, then simply stay away from them and do not engage in any type of conversation that may lead to an argument.

Remember, you are responsible for your own actions. No one else is. Keep that in mind at all times.

To summarize, the quickest way to success is to be yourself. If you start acting like a fool then you’re only going to hurt your own reputation in the long run and make it very difficult for you to succeed in life. Be confident and do not be offensive.

You can read the rest of the article here:

It is not possible to become great without becoming excellent. The two are inseparable and we cannot expect one without the other.


We should never try to emulate someone else or anyone in society. We should walk our own path and try to be ourselves. We should also be confident about ourselves but not rude or offensive to others.

Everything I have talked about today can be summed up in one word: PRIDE! If you put yourself first, then you will never have to pretend to anything, and you will always know who you are and what makes you happy.

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