Sacred Space


 Sacred Space

So, what is a Sacred Space? 
A sacred space is a natural or built property that contains powerful religious significance. It may be considered to have a spiritual affinity for the aspects of nature, geological formations, wildlife and wildlife habitat. The space may be associated with religions such as Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism and it may also involve the supernatural. They are usually defined by their natural qualities or activities within the space.

The term was introduced in 1887 by John Muir who described some of these properties as "savage beauty". They include resources like waterfalls or mountain ranges which contain spiritual significance to people who believe in these places because they are believed to possess an energy that can bring good luck or healing powers.

Sacred spaces are places which are sacred to beliefs and in some cases, people believe that they possess supernatural qualities. These places can be defined as those that represent a divine power or have religious significance for people who believe in the supernatural. A natural place that is considered to have a religious significance is called a shrine. In Japan, Shinto shrines are built to worship the kami which translates to spirits or deities and these places are considered sacred by many people in Japan. Similarly, in ancient Greece, there were many sanctuaries for gods where natural surroundings like groves of trees were used for rituals and sacrifices.

A Sacred Space is usually a place that has been given religious significance for a number of reasons. This may be because it is the place where an event took place that was considered to be supernatural. For instance, such places are often found where miracles have taken place. Similarly, locations which are believed to be the burial site of religious figures are also considered sacred. These include places like Mount Sinai and Mecca which have been considered sacred since Biblical times. Like a shrine, they contain relics which are associated with holy people.

Sacred Spaces could also be places that mark an agreement between natural spaces and supernatural powers, such as mountains or rivers. It could also be signs that are believed to be imbued with supernatural power, such as pools of water. Some people even consider Central Park in New York to be sacred because it is the location where they met their soulmates.

The concept that was referred to as "sacred spaces" by John Muir describes places or aspects of natural landscapes which a person considers spiritually significant. These are specially chosen by believers and they need not necessarily possess religious significance because objects like rocks, trees or rivers can also possess spiritual qualities and these may not be associated with any knowledge of a deity.

In primitive societies, symbols associated with deities were used to mark natural features that were considered sacred space or used as places of worship.

There are also places that may appear natural, but have been created for this purpose. Churches are a good example of this as they are considered sacred spaces for Christianity because their very creation is a direct result of the worship of God. These places may have elements like frescos or stained glass windows which depict the divine.

In Buddhism and Shinto, sacred spaces are enshrined or have objects, buildings or trees that were linked to the history of a deity or an ancestor.

Sacred spaces can be marked by environmental conditions such as bodies of water, mountains and caves as well as by historical events like battlefields and buildings which were constructed by great men who had supernatural powers. Such places of power are said to have a spiritual significance, and many wars have been fought over the sites because they possess supernatural qualities.

Sacred spaces may also be those that have special places for the worship of deities. Places like shrines, temples and churches are all locations which are considered sacred by many people. These are usually built by a community or ethnic group and contain relics owned by divine figures who have been moved from their original site to where they can be worshipped. The chapel at Chartres Cathedral in France is an example of this as it contains relics from the original buildings destroyed during the French Revolution. Such buildings usually include holy relics and objects that were used for worship or religious ceremonies such as crucifixes and statues of saints.

Sacred spaces may also be places that are considered sacred by many people. Examples of these include the woods of Mount Olympus in Greece, which were used by the ancient Greeks to make sacrifices and they believed that these trees had a spiritual significance. Similarly, Mount Fuji has a similar significance for the Japanese and it is believed to be part of a holy mountain chain that was dedicated to the gods. It is also considered to be sacred because it contains three natural peaks which are considered sacred for this reason.

In Japan, Shinto shrines are built to worship kami which translates as gods or spirits nowadays. The shrine itself is thought of as a sacred place even though it is where people worship their gods.

Sacred spaces are usually found on natural sites like mountains, caves and woods and these have been used by people in many cultures. In prehistoric times, rituals were carried out in the very places which are considered sacred by many people today. Such sites have remained important to these people and they are seen as having a special significance, not just for the area or town in which they are located, but for the nation or ethnicity that dominates that region.

In Russia and other Asian countries, there are places where natural springs are considered to be sacred because they contain substances like water that contains minerals which have high healing powers. Thus, a land designated as sacred is often used to perform ceremonies that are believed to have healing powers. Some people who have been cured from illnesses may then go on to establish shrines there.

Locations that are considered sacred by many people for their significance can be found on urban areas. These include buildings and structures that are visited and revered like mosques, churches or temples. For example, the golden dome of the mosque of Sultan Abdul Hamid in Istanbul was met with great reverence by many Muslims and is therefore a sacred space for them.

Sacred spaces can also be marked by events in history such as sites such as those of battle grounds where people were killed and where wars were waged over religious beliefs.

The nature of sacred spaces also includes places like tourist sites or places where people go to see important people. These may be considered holy because of the presence of saints or relics. For example, it is known that some Stations of the Cross were established by individuals who witnessed the suffering endured by Jesus Christ. While these are now considered sacred sites for many believers and tourists, they do not have any religious significance for secular, non-religious people.

One major aspect of sacred space is ritual spaces such as shrines and temples. These are created in order to honour a deity, who are often transferred to them from different locations but they still retain their original function.

The sacred spaces of cults are generally believed to be held by the priesthood or at the very least, a person who has authority. This can include priests, but also shamans and Illuminati. The only way for such a person to attain knowledge of consecrated matters is through a supernatural force.

In many cases, such persons are considered to have developed a connection with the divine realm due to their own special status or power. Such people have been given learning by spirits as well as having been born with supernatural powers that enable them to see and hear things that others cannot respond to. They may also have other abilities like being able to see into future events through dreams or visions which they then interpret for others if required.


Sacred space can be defined in various different ways by various people. However, most people agree that it is the space that is held to have a religious significance or the supernatural qualities. This typically includes placing a statue of a deity in such a place, it also includes visiting tombs and places close to mountain peaks as well as other areas that have spiritual significance for many people.

Can you please tell me: Are there any sites around the world which are considered sacred? What are your views on this?

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