Say No To Time Stealers


 Say No To Time Stealers

Chances are, if you’ve already read this far then you know what I’m going to say. You know that the question is not whether or not you have time stealers in your life, but how many and how often. We all do and we all will; it is a part of living in the world. And while that statement may be completely true, it can be a heart breaking reality if your time stealers each take just five minutes away from doing something more important to you every day.

There's no telling how long you've had a time stealer in your life. It could be your first day at a new job, or it could be the last day you sat next to a loved one. Either way, the overwhelming statistics show that they will come and go, and leave you with nothing but regrets in their wake.

If you don't know what a time stealer is, it's someone who takes your time away from important tasks. This could be something like a family member that you wish to see less or someone who takes hours out of your day by on unnecessary extra projects that have nothing to do with your job. It could be something as small as a few minutes of traffic and a stop at the gas station while you're late for an appointment, but it could also include dinner at an old haunt with friends.

You may not even be aware that you have time stealers in your life. You may think of them as just friends or family members that you like to spend time with and don’t realize that they are taking away from more important things. Some of us learn who our time stealers really are when we're forced to make a change in one area of our lives. Even if you haven't had someone steal your time in the way that I'm about to describe, you can understand the concept of someone taking your time away from something better. And it's important to this article to realize that many of us have time stealers and they can be quite a problem, particularly when you're only given five minutes to get said task done.

In today’s society, time is a scarce commodity. We have so much of it, yet we rarely find the time to use it for what really matters to us. No matter how busy you are, there are always things that you can do to make improvements in your life and career. Your time could be spent on something truly meaningful, creating something or working on relationships with people that matter most to you.

However, time is often left on the table unattended. And if you're like me, your time is often spent on other people who don't deserve to be in your life as much as they are.

I've been blessed with a few moments in my life where I can appreciate the value of being able to make an appointment with myself. I've had a few instances where I knew that my primary focus was going to be on something important and something that wasn't just a task. I have a very small amount of time that I'm able to spend on myself; however, the truth is that I can always make more time.

It's important to re-evaluate the people in your life and be sure that they are time stealers. You don't have time to see them as often as you think. These people might be great people and they're definitely worth your valuable time; however, they're not getting it from you at the proper moment.

It's important that you start to evaluate your time without any bias and understand that there are people who take more than they give. You can find someone who steals your time in many ways, but it may be as obvious as seeing how many hours you spend at work and how much overtime begins to pile up.

Many people don't realize the amount of time they spend working on something until they take a break from it. Time can fly by, even though it doesn't feel like it. We have many facets of our life that we have to manage and we often find that there's little time in the day to actually do what we need to do.

Sometimes, it’s these small things that take away most of our time without us even realizing it. These small amounts of time can take hours away from us and we may not even know it. And these small items can add up to a significant amount of loss in productivity.

I may be wrong, but I don’t believe that it’s useful to complain about the fact that you only have five minutes to complete an important task.


There are a ton of different ways that life steals our time, both in big and small ways. Sometimes, it’s something as inconsequential as having people in your life that you don’t need to spend too much time on, but sometimes it’s much more serious than that.

Each of us have different goals in our lives and each of us have different things we would like to get done.

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