Saying Yes


 Saying Yes

Say Yes To Serving Others

For many people, the phrase 'give back to the world' is just a tagline. For others, it's an action they carry out daily. Selflessness can be achieved through a variety of actions that range from donating money to volunteering time with a cause such as volunteering at your local animal shelter or food bank. Being truly selfless doesn't only come in one package; you can also contribute by saying yes, each day.

Giving your time to a cause, helping someone else out and volunteering are all great ways to give back to the world. But if you're at a loss for how you can contribute, how about starting with saying yes to someone today? Giving the gift of your presence, which means saying yes when you'd rather say no. Even if it's something you take part in every day, like making tea or coffee for the office, saying yes is one way in which anyone can give back and make a difference in others' lives.

8. Making Use Of Your Time

Time is a precious commodity that everyone wishes they had more of. After all, we can't do anything in a second, so when we look down at our watches and see we've only got 10 minutes left before leaving on our coffee break after work, what do we do? We usually waste it. When you have to leave in ten minutes instead of 15 or whatever time it used to be, you'll start making use of that time.

After all, you need to get in that drink and snack, right? And then you'll have to take a leak before you leave so you don't have a full bladder. And when your boss is in the bathroom, you'll have time to go online and talk with your friends on MSN Messenger or even browse around Facebook while the clock ticks away. Ten minutes isn't much time and chances are if you're working eight hours a day that's two of them gone already.

9. Saying "I Can't"

It's no secret that saying you can't is in many ways the most useful thing you can learn as a person. In fact, it's so useful that it can be used in a conversation before you even know if the person is willing or not. It's even useful in other situations, like being a guest at a social gathering or a firm friend at the office. Even when you're just watching TV with friends and the adverts come on, you can always say, "I can't watch it," and they'll stop the program that might be boring you in the process.

Before you know it, you'll have a few extra minutes in your day to spend on whatever activities you'd like to do. Maybe you'll have that 10-minute coffee break instead of just five. Maybe you'll be able to sit down comfortably when watching the next episode of your favorite TV show. Or maybe, just maybe, because of saying "I can't," other people will actually start helping out around the house, clean up after themselves and learn how to tell people what they want and don't want.

10. Picking Up The Pieces

Saying yes to a project will probably never be harder for you than for the person who is already doing it. You might also be tempted to say no because of some other selfish reason, but it's about time you realized that picking up the pieces after someone else has dropped them is just as much as an opportunity as grabbing on to the one handed to you by your boss and saying yes.

Remember that the person who has dropped a project is probably the same person who wanted to take it on in the first place. Maybe they were excited about it, but something came up and they had to leave. Maybe they just do this on a regular basis, or maybe it's a first-time thing. Whatever the reason, saying yes can work wonders for them, giving them your time and patience. And with that in mind, you've just given back more than the time you need to do the job! What more could anyone want?

11. Sticking Your Neck Out

A lot of people like to stand up for what they believe in and feel it's their duty to do so. Whether they're talking about a political party or a particular brand of clothes, they're often very quick to defend and justify their decision. However, not many people are willing to stick their neck out and give something a shot before they know if they're going to like it or not.

By saying yes to an idea that someone else had, you're accepting the position of 'guinea pig,' but only because you want to support both the person who suggested it and yourself. By doing so, you're helping both of you find out if something is worth your time or not. If it's successful, you'll have given back by agreeing to try something new.


When you say yes to everything, you have the opportunity to make a difference. And when you give back in such a way, are taking away really so bad?

If anyone should be saying no, it's you! But if you use these tips and implement them into your daily routine, the next time someone asks you to help them out with something small and insignificant, just remember what we've talked about.

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