Self Defence 10: The Intruder In Your Bedroom!


 Self Defence 10: The Intruder In Your Bedroom!

You've just gone to bed, only to hear a creak on your bedroom door. You're now convinced that someone has broken into your house and is planning on doing horrible things with you.

This is what's known as the 'intruder in the bedroom' scenario and it can be terrifying, especially if you don't have time to carefully plan ahead.

In this situation, you'll have to make your mind up in a second how to cope and deal with the situation.

In order to help you get through the attack, I've come up with a list of practical self-defence strategies that will give you the best possible chance in this kind of terrifying scenario.

If You Have Your Phone Charged & Ready To Go...

If you have your phone with you at all times and if it is fully charged, then this is a great way for you to be able to call emergency services.

This could save your life, so always take it with you wherever you go.

In the event that this becomes necessary, let's say that they've actually broken into your bedroom and are now trying to harm you. It will allow police to contact you and come to the rescue of the situation.

This is a great way of getting help without having to actually walk towards the phone.

Here's How To Make This A Reality...

So what you're going to need to do is get a landline phone, call 999 and have them send an ambulance with police officers to your home.

This is the easiest and most practical way for you to make sure that you don't have to walk out of the comfort of your own bedroom in order for someone to come and save your life.

This will involve calling emergency services as soon as possible, as well as making sure that your bed is completely out of the way and every door in your bedroom is locked.

If you need to, you can actually move it closer to the door in order to get a better view of what's happening.

Here's How To Make This A Reality...

You're going to want to call emergency services and make sure that they know that you are indeed inside the building.

You can ask them to make sure that there's an ambulance on standby and ready to come, as well as an armed response team so that you have the best possible chance of survival.

Once you're finished with that call, it will be time for you to focus on getting out of the house, but that's only if you've been able to get a good look at what might be trying to do something with you. You'll then be able to leave your home and make sure that every door is locked.

If No Phone Is Available, You Can Fight Back...

If you can't get your hands on a phone or if you do happen to have one, but it's not charged, then it's time for you to try and fight back. You don't want to just let them come in and try to harm you because there are plenty of things that you can do.

Here's How To Make This A Reality...

If you're in a situation where you are locked in your bedroom, and you really can't get hold of a phone, or if there is no one around to help, then you'll need to start making decisions.

The first thing is to decide what the next steps should be. One of the best ones that I can think of is to try and kill them. This means that they will have to leave your room immediately so that they don't have time to do anything bad with you.

This might seem a little extreme, but if you're able to get your hands on a weapon, medical equipment or even a fire extinguisher then this might be the best way that you can survive.

You'll also have to decide what you should do with the intruders if they do come in, or whether you're just going to fight out until things are safe again. You don't want to just let them come in and start attacking you as that will only make things worse.

The best thing that you can do is to take the time to get a good look at what they look like. This will allow yourself to have a better idea of whether you should try and fight back against them or not, as well as whether or not it's in your nature to do so.

Some people are okay with just fighting back, but if you're one of those people who has trouble with this kind of thing then this might not be the best idea for you.

The same idea can be applied to just letting them come in and hitting them. If you do decide that you're going to go with this kind of fighting method, then make sure that you have a weapon close at hand and that you've put it away safely so that they don't get through the door first and get the upper hand.


I hope this article has helped you to get through the 'intruder in the bedroom' scenario. If you follow my advice then I'm sure you'll be able to get out of a bad situation and come out alive.

Just remember that if someone's trying to do harm to you, then fight back because there are plenty of ways that you can do so.

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