Self Defence 4 – Which Martial Art?


 Self Defence 4 – Which Martial Art?

For those of you who want to learn self-defence for personal and public use, we've created this in-depth guide on how to choose the best martial art for you. 

SELF DEFENCE 4 – Which Martial Art?

There are many martial arts that have been developed throughout history, but the ultimate choice will depend upon what you wish to master. From rearming yourself against an assailant to developing your cross-discipline as a means to an end, the choice is entirely yours.

What type of martial art is best for me?

There are many types of martial art from which you can choose from; Karate, Kung Fu, Taekwondo, amongst others. However, when choosing a martial art there are three main factors that need to be considered: the origin of the martial art; its history; and who teaches it.

What is the origin of your martial art?

The origins of your chosen martial art will determine the style. A Japanese martial art does not have to have roots in Japan to be Japanese, but it can if it were developed there. Likewise, a German martial art would most likely have German roots. However, not all martial arts are created equal and so you need to be aware of this before you make any decisions.

What is the history of your chosen art?

Not all martial arts have a history that is as illustrious as that of karate. But believe it or not, karate itself is thousands of years old. There are centuries-old martial arts such as Judo, Jujutsu and Karate that have been the foundations for their modern day counterparts.

How is your chosen martial art taught?

Choosing a martial art can be easy if you find a reputable school that teaches the above-mentioned arts. A good instructor will know both their arts' history and the right philosophy behind it. You can also read reviews on martial art schools online, but this is not always the best idea as there are many fake websites out there.

Who is your instructor like?

You won't find a better teacher than one who "gets it". You want to know you are learning the right techniques and how to use them effectively. If you do not know what they are teaching, or you do not feel comfortable, then this is not the martial art for you.

What do I get from this article?

Make your decision based on what is most important to you, whether it be the art's origin, history or the school itself. Also, it is best if you take a martial arts class from a reputable school. The techniques are often easier to learn in the safety and comfort of a room with other students. That way, you can get the most benefit from your time and money spent.

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This does not necessarily mean that you will be down with what this article states. It simply means that if it helps you and makes your decision easier, then all the better. When choosing a martial art, the most important thing to think about is what will make you feel good, physically and mentally when using them to protect yourself or others. This is something that martial arts schools should get much more into than they are currently doing today.

The success of a martial art is often determined by the quality of the instructors, their knowledge, the foundation they have built, and above all else... a good reputation. A school's stated philosophy is something that needs to be looked at closely as well. If there is something off about how it was created or where it came from, then that should also be considered before deciding to implement what they teach into your life.

If the school is a good one and they were taught by a good instructor, then this article will give you some idea of what to look for in your chosen martial art. We hope that you enjoy this article.

If you want to learn more about self-defence, you can find many articles on self-defence here or check out the Definitive Guide to Self Defence .

Exercise and be fit for life.

P.S. If you have been thinking about hiring a personal trainer , you should read this article as well.

P.P.S If you are thinking of learning self-defence, then our Ultimate Self Defence Course is highly recommended.

But…I want to learn self-defence for myself!

Then why not take your first step into the self-defence world? You might be surprised at how little knowledge is needed to start your training on the right foot.


Defence is the first line of defence. The best way to learn self-defence is through a martial arts school that provides a good learning environment and has a strong, strong foundation in its arts. For beginners, start with self-defence basics and then move on to more advanced techniques.

Article written by: Karatez UK

Personal defence is just that – personal and private.

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