Self Defence 5: Protect Yourself And Your Dog


 Self Defence 5: Protect Yourself And Your Dog

If you own a dog, you must take the responsibility to protect your pet and yourself. Dogs can suffer serious injuries when in a fight with an aggressor, or simply by being attacked. Here are some steps that you should take to keep your beloved animals and yourself safe from harm:

1. Keep them on a leash and in close proximity at all times
2. If your dog is going to be left alone, someone else must be present with the animal at all times
3. If your dog is exposed to children, always supervise them!
4. Avoid contact with other dogs whenever possible
5. If your dog does not respond positively to the presence of other animals, keep them leashed to avoid possible fights and bites
6. Don't allow your dog near garbage cans or any type of food source (especially meat) that could make them sick
7. Be sure to have your dog vaccinated and brushed regularly
8. Keep your dog's nails trimmed
9. Always supervise your children when they are around or playing with dogs
10. Separate puppies from unattended adult animals as soon as possible!
11. Don't allow your dog to chew on or ingest anything that could cause damage (un-natural objects, aluminum foil, ropes, etc…)
12. Always clean up after any accidents that occur on the property (i.e. be sure to clean and disinfect your dog's shit)
13. If bitten, contact a vet immediately! 
14. Keep them away from high-value items such as electronic devices
15. Consider obtaining a second safe collar for the purpose of carrying ID to the vet when needed
16. Always have your dog wear a collar with an ID tag at all times or, better yet, incorporate a microchip into their collar
17. Take an obedience class with your dog. The classes will help you learn how to properly control your dog and also will give them the opportunity to socialize with other dogs
18. Know that no matter what you do, you cannot guarantee your dog's safety! All that you can do is take the proper precautions.
19. Owning a dog is a tremendous amount of work anyway, so be sure that you can handle any extra duties that may come along with having and protecting a dog
20. Never leave a dog to suffer during an emergency and if you do, be sure to have them put down humanely
21. If you are ever bitten by a dog, do NOT try to fight back! Bite inhibition is one of the first things that dogs learn when they are young, so if you fight back your dog will likely think that hand-to-hand combat is acceptable. If you are bitten in your home and not expecting it, get as far away from your dog as possible. If you must fight back, act in a very calm, assertive manner. Fights usually end with the dog getting the advantage and can quickly escalate. Do not try to make your dog submit or it would be best for you not to go against them.
22. If you are attacked by a dog, DO NOT try to attract attention by screaming or growling! Your dog will most likely believe that a human is attacking him and will most likely respond aggressively. This can also confuse your dog and cause them to attack someone else in the same manner.
23. If you are attacked by a dog, try to make yourself as big as possible and do not run away! Fighting back is still a bad idea because it could lead to you being disemboweled by a pack of dogs. As ugly as it may seem, try to place your arms over your head and slowly crawl away from the dog. The dog will most likely ease off at this point and slowly back off too. 
24. If you own a dog and you see another dog, it is best to call your dog inside. This may be hard for you to do if your dog is outside in their own yard, but try anyways. Dogs are very territorial and a close encounter with another dog could make your dog very hostile towards them. If you feel that a confrontation is inevitable, try to get your dog into a car or otherwise contain them as quickly as possible. 
25. When walking your dog, keep them on a leash except when they are in their own yard. This will prevent your dog from wandering away and searching for a fight.
26. If you are ever involved in an attack, be sure to contact the police immediately! Your local jurisdiction may offer some form of reward for information about the owner of the attacking animal(s). Even if you do not wish to pursue any legal action against them, it would still be worthwhile to contact the authorities (especially since you may need your medical bills covered). You may also need to have the attacking dog put down or secured if they are deemed to be dangerous. 
27. If your dog ever runs out the door, don't chase after them! This only increases the chances of a confrontation occurring or prevents you from returning home safely. It is best for you to go back inside and wait for them to come back. You should learn your dog's behaviour when it comes to leaving your property and try using a crate or fence that will prevent this from happening in the future (i.e.

Despite the fact that there are different variations of breeds and mixes, they are all still dogs. If you don't want to jump through any hoops or have a less than pleasant experience with your canine companion, then please remember these steps to ensure your own safety at all times. Dogs can be absolutely wonderful animals, but we must first learn how to properly care for and protect them! 
When it comes down to it, the best option is to adopt a dog from a shelter or rescue group.

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