Self Defence 6: The Mandatory Warning


 Self Defence 6: The Mandatory Warning

This is not a blog about self defence. This is a blog about how to make yourself safer.
In this post I am going to go through the long list of things you can do to make yourself safer, due to the fact that those steps are necessary for your self defence.
First we'll start with your home: 
- Make sure all windows and outside doors have locks on them. 
- When going out of home, lock all locks behind you. 
- Keep your keys somewhere safe when entering your home, and make sure they are always with you. 
- If you have a keyless entry system make sure you have access to a key if it is broken (one of the most common ways people get into homes) 
- If you have an alarm, check the window sensors regularly. 
- If necessary, make sure your alarm is loud enough to wake you up. 
- Don't leave windows open at night. 
- Make sure all your important information is locked somewhere safe, where only you know how to get it.
- Get an insurance plan with home security included (it makes a difference!) 
- Have a house phone/landline for emergencies. 
- Be smart about where you are going and who you are going with, but don't be rude or scared to say no. 
- Go out with one person only, even if it is your best friend.
- Don't leave your drink unattended. 
- Don't get into a lift with someone you don't know. 
- Be alert for strangers and especially for people who want to start trouble. 
- If you think you might be in danger, and no one is there to help you, call the police immediately.
- If you are in a situation you think is life-threatening, try to find a way out. If that doesn't work, fight for your life!
Let's now move on to the physical training:
- Sit ups.  Try to do at least 500 and aim for 5,000 if possible.  You can find a good sit up routine here .  (I would also recommend learning how to break fall.)
- Hip flexors - strengthen your glutes by doing this exercise 2x a day.  You can find a good exercise here .
- Squats - you can do them while brushing your teeth!  Just make sure you don't fall over.
- Lifting - pick up heavy items like water bottles or books.  Don't worry if you can't lift a lot of weight, just build the habit of picking something up and putting it down.  The more strength you have, the easier it is for someone to hurt you.
- Try not to stand in one place for too long.  If you're standing on the bus or in a queue, try to move your feet around and don't stay in the same place for too long.  It will make it harder for someone to take you down.
- Walk with good posture, keep your head up and make eye contact with other people. It will help you feel safer and more confident.
- Sing in the shower, or dance when no one is watching.  Don't let anyone make you feel shy.  If you are a girl, you also need to find a way to protect yourself if you are attacked.  For men, understanding how to defend yourself is also important.
- Have self control - don't go crazy when defending yourself if that is not what you want to be doing.  Find your limits and don't push them too much, but get in those practice sessions so that when someone does mess with you it won't be a surprise.
- Be smart about what you post on social media. Don't post photos that show the places you hang out.  Be smart about what you say on Facebook.  Don't go on dates with people from the internet, and don't accept friend requests from people you don't know.
- If someone does actually hit you/attack you, don't be scared to get help immediately!
- Don't let anyone hurt your self esteem, including yourself .  The more your self esteem is damaged through things like bullying, the harder it is to even think about defending yourself.
- If someone messes with you, don't let them get away with it.  If you're walking somewhere and someone yells at you, yell back!  Ask for help from other people around you.  Don't let threatening words get to you and don't be scared to defend yourself.
- Don't let people make you feel small.  If someone tries to insults you, show them they are wrong.
- Be active!  Move around every day if possible.  Sports make you feel stronger and more confident.  It also helps you get rid of the stress and burn off those calories, with no gym equipment needed.

You don't need to become a super hero.  You just need to bear in mind some of the things that are important in your everyday life.  Be smart, and you'll be a lot safer!
- Carola
**This is not legal advice. Consult with a lawyer if you live in WA before making any decisions based on the information here
Edited: 23/12/2012 - go back to top - ^^ - From " The Complete Guide To Fighting For Your Life: How To Survive Street Attack...

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