Self Empowerment Comes From Obeying Universal Principles


 Self Empowerment Comes From Obeying Universal Principles

Obeying Universal Principles is the key to achieving self-empowerment. This truth has been acknowledged by a variety of spiritual and religious traditions through history, but is most often associated with Buddhism. In Buddhism, "Hsin Tao" or "Mindfulness of the Buddha's Teachings" means accepting universal principles as they are and living in accordance with them while recognizing that they are all interconnected with each other.

In the world of martial arts, the idea of living in accordance with universal principles is termed "Fa-jing", which means "Emulation of Skills". Fa-jing basically refers to the respect and practice of a school's techniques. As a philosophy or as a way of life, it also means respecting other martial arts schools as well as your own. Living in accordance with universal principles also means exercising humility and patience while respecting your opponents and your teachers.

In the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine, "Liuxing-Zhi" or "Respect and Practice of Universal Principles," is a unique concept that emphasizes the importance of the practitioner keeping in mind his or her own fundamental principles while practicing medicine on behalf of others. Liuxing-Zhi is essentially what it means to be a doctor who treats patients with respect, who practices medicine ethically, and with patience and humility.

Practicing taijiquan is also described as living in accordance with universal principles. When we practice taijiquan, we are practicing the martial art of "Yin and Yang". We are practicing the "Five Elements Theory" of everything existing as linked opposites. We are also learning how to use our body's energy, how to move with that energy in our own bodies, and how to use it against an opponent's energy.

As described by Dr. John Chang, the Japanese Karate-do sensei, and others, the concept of "Yin and Yang" also refers to something workable in everyday life. When we mix or blend two opposite objects together to make a new object, we are combining Yin and Yang.

Click on this link for more information about Yin & Yang.

Huxing-Zhi, also called "Respect and Practice of Life," means, "Practice Life Matters" or "Practice the Life of Nature." It is essentially doing whatever it takes to live life in a way that is in accordance with universal principles. It is maintaining the harmony and balance of all things. In keeping with the above, living in accordance with universal principles also means maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This includes eating healthy food, exercising regularly and making time for relaxing activities.

Huxing-Zhi and living in accordance with universal principles does not mean that you cannot have fun or spend time with your family and friends. It means that you must always remember the important things in life, such as family, friends, values and beliefs. These are what are truly important. These are the things that we should focus on and not be too busy to have time for.

If you have time to watch TV or play video games, you have time to relax and enjoy life by doing something such as playing with your kids, going for a walk, or meditating. If your health is good, then you are better able to enjoy life. If you are healthy and joyful then it is easier for others to be around you because of the positive energy that you exude. If you are healthy and joyful, then it is easier to accomplish all of your goals. In being healthy and joyful you will feel more relaxed and have the confidence to do what you want in life.

Join me, Terence Dunn, at the Tai Chi Health Qigong Center. This non-profit organization is dedicated to promoting the health benefits of martial arts training in a fun and relaxed environment. Our goal is to help everyone in the community to become healthier while learning practical self-defense and improving their tai chi skills.

I have over 12 years of experience in teaching and training. I have taught tai chi to hundreds of beginners and experienced students. I hope that you will enjoy learning and practicing with us at the Tai Chi Health Qigong Center.


Terence Dunn

Tai Chi Health Qigong Center

18355 Brookhurst Street, Suite #121 Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714)418-9968 [ARTICLE END]

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In conclusion there are several points we have failed to consider, among them that despite being offered a village to live in, the man refused this very generous offer for the greater honour he would get if he were a Rajput and refused to go. Rajputs are the epitome of bravery and the man did not want to be seen as a coward. He was fighting not just for his own survival but also for his honour.

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