Setting Personal Goals: What Are Your Resolutions For The New Year?


 Setting Personal Goals: What Are Your Resolutions For The New Year?

Coming out of the holidays, some resolutions we tend to make are goals that can be difficult. For example, some people set a goal of running a marathon in 2017. While this is certainly a great resolution, it's not easy to achieve without working hard on your training every day.

One thing I always do is set personal goals for the new year—specifically for the month of January. The reason I choose January is because it sets the tone for the rest of the year. And I believe if you focus on achieving your goals in January, you'll be more likely to achieve them throughout the year.

It's not my goal to finish first on a race course these days, but rather to finish with solid times and feel good about them. This year my goals are:

1. Let go of distractions and get back to running (and living). It took me until October to sign up for St. George and literally training began that week. My shoulder has been giving me some issues but I have been patient. My first three sessions have yielded no pain. I am easing back into running and my half goal is to take the rest of this month, "easy-peasy." The second half of the month will be mostly focused on getting back to form and feel very good about my running again.

2. Taking what I've learned about food and actually putting it into action. I've been reading through the Whole30 book (see above) and am excited to fully commit to it over the next month. I've done it in spurts before but this is going to be a huge test of willpower! I want to get into a nice routine with food and once again feel great about what I am putting into my body.

3. Keep up with the Strength training. I have no excuse for not at least hit the gym twice a week. I know it makes me feel better and my body is already feeling "sharper." I want to continue keeping my body fit on the inside and out.

4. Be present—enjoying the moment, living in the moment. Everything we do these days seems to be about our phones—social media, emails, texts, etc.

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