Spiritual Poems - Why Read Them?


 Spiritual Poems - Why Read Them?

Spiritual poems can help readers find their own spiritual path. They give insight into how the spirit survives, and how it seeks comfort in a chaotic world. Spiritual poems about love are not just for those who are fighting unrequited love, but for all of us who need to remind ourselves that love is something that we should cultivate every day.

A spiritual poem will make you think, they will make you feel sad, happy, frustrated or loved. Ultimately they make us feel alive. A good spiritual poem will leave readers with an idea of what their spirituality might look like and what it feels like to be in touch with the divine.

A spiritual poem will help readers understand that there is no one way to contemplate the divine. It will make them question their own beliefs and possibly even give them a new perspective on their own views. A good spiritual poem will encourage readers to look beyond themselves at the divine and share this perspective with others.

When we are told in a spiritual poem what love is we can be filled with hope; when we are told that love is something to look for in every day life, then we can feel secure about our ability to love, as if this alone makes us capable of it.

Spiritual poems have the power to help us understand who we are and what our purpose might be. The best spiritual poems will help us find our own spirituality, we can understand how to use poetry to heal or even how to love when we thought it was impossible.

Spiritual poems don't have to be about God or the divine, they can just be about taking care of yourself, and making sure that you take the time out of each day for yourself and your loved ones.

The best spiritual poems are those that touch a part of our soul that makes us feel what it is like to be human. They inspire us and help us see the beauty in all things, even when we are so caught up in our own lives that we can't see beyond ours. Spiritual poems will make you feel alive, which is why we should all read them.

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James M. Perry
Ignite reader James M. Perry has written several books on spirituality and love, including Spiritual Poems: Why Read Them? and Spirituality & The Art of Living Volume 1: Inspiration Poetry. Visit his online store to find out more about his book, Spirituality & The Art of Living Volume 2: Inspiration Love Poetry . Visit him on Facebook to get a behind-the-scenes look at his life as a traveling poet.

Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/inspirational-articles/spiritual-poems--why-read-them---james-m-perry--106794.html
Author Resource:-> James M. Perry is the author of Spirituality & The Art of Living Volume 1: Inspiration Poetry , a book which has received praise from those in the inspirational poetry community, including Max Lucado and Sylvester Stallone . Visit his website to learn more about this inspiring writer .
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Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/article/why-read-poetry---154470_articledetail1.html?ACTION=print&Title=Spiritual%20Poems - Why Read Them ?&Author=James%20M.%20Perry&printerfriendly=1
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/inspirational-articles/-why--read--poetry---james---perry---106794_214611894_.html
Author Resource:-> James M. Perry is the author of Spirituality & The Art of Living Volume 2: Inspiration Love Poetry , a book which has received praise from those in the inspirational poetry community, including Max Lucado and Sylvester Stallone . Visit his website to learn more about this inspiring writer .
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http://www.articlesbase.com/powerful-articles-that-will-inspire-you---271324_1_.html?id=1106794&action=print&title=Spiritual%20Poems - Why Read Them ?&author=James%20M%5EPerry&printerfriendly=1
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/articles/spiritual-poems-why-read-them
Author Resource:-> James M. Perry is the author of Spirituality & The Art of Living Volume 2: Inspiration Love Poetry , a book which has received praise from those in the inspirational poetry community, including Max Lucado and Sylvester Stallone . Visit his website to learn more about this inspiring writer .
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/inspirational-articles/-why--read--poetry---james---perry---106794_214611894_.html
Author Resource:-> James M. Perry is the author of Spirituality & The Art of Living Volume 2: Inspiration Love Poetry , a book which has received praise from those in the inspirational poetry community, including Max Lucado and Sylvester Stallone . Visit his website to learn more about this inspiring writer .
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/powerful-articles-that-will-inspire-you--271324_1_.

Spiritual poems show us how to find our place in the world. They allow us to understand what it means to be human, and how we are all connected, no matter how far away the next person may be from us. Spiritual poems help us find a way of living and a way that helps us to live life with passion and kindness.

Poetry is something that everyone can enjoy, whether they agree with its message or not. Poetry doesn't have to come from God or even be profound; it just has to touch a part of you somewhere deep inside so you can think about what was said for days after reading it.

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