Take Back Your Personal Power, Stop Being Blamed and Start Creating An Incredible Life!


 Take Back Your Personal Power, Stop Being Blamed and Start Creating An Incredible Life!

So let’s take a look at some real life scenarios where it all started with somebody else:
-You said, “Stop playing your music so loud!” So they turned it up.
-You said, “Can you turn the TV down?” So they put headphones on.
-You yelled, “The phone is ringing!” So they unplugged the phone.
-You said, “Can you get me something to drink? I don't feel well.” So they blamed your hormones and walked away.
Your power lies in one word: NO! No more being blamed and punished for being honest. No more getting hurt feelings because you simply try to do the right thing. No more hard work and frustration because they are too busy getting their own needs met.
Now this is not to say that people should not set boundaries with others. However, it is important to make sure that they are only coming from a place of love and respect, not as a response to an emotional trigger or as a way to punish.
I know that these examples may sound outlandish when you hear them out of context, but I assure you they probably happen in your life every day and often times when you don't even realize it.

When I stopped saying yes and started saying no, my life was absolutely transformed in a year. I lost 60 lbs and gained back my sense of purpose. No longer did people have to be upset at me over my desire to express myself through writing or to share a new experience with others. My children were no longer comparing their own lives to mine because they too began to have their own ideas and dreams that they had been holding onto for years. My marriage increased in value because we weren't constantly fighting over the same issues anymore, but rather focusing on the things that mattered most.
I challenge you to make one year your goal as well. One year of no more being blamed, no more getting walked on, no more playing the victim and most of all, no more blaming yourself or others for how you feel.
-Tony Robbins

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