Test Your Self Esteem


 Test Your Self Esteem

Self-esteem is the measure of how a person sees themselves and their worth and is a very important aspect to consider in order to have a fulfilled life. This article will explore self-esteem and offer tips on how you can work on your own so that you can be the best version of yourself.

Self-esteem can be broken down into the following levels: low, average, high, and you have mastered your self. The levels are not ranked in any way other than personal evaluation based on where they feel each levels rank them personally.

Low self-esteem can be caused by many things including poverty, trauma and abuse. This is not meant to minimize the effects of these situations but to explain that it is possible to move from a low level self-esteem on up to a high level regardless of your current situation.

Average self-esteem can mean that you feel you are worthy and part of society but that there is always room for improvement. This kind of person will live their life as they want to with no regrets but may also be quite hard on themselves when they make mistakes or fall short in areas. The average person has nothing bad to say about themselves and will not settle for less than what they feel they deserve.

High self-esteem is the person who has a very positive view of themselves and their life. They are often happy and will usually find reasons to be grateful for what they have. They do not worry about what others may think of them but freely express themselves and don’t mind if others disagree with their point of views. High self-esteem people are more concerned with being true to themselves rather than seeking out the approval from others.

The final level is “mastery” and this is for those who have moved beyond material things as rewards and feel no need to impress anyone just themselves. They are also free from any fears or inhibitions that may have held them back in the past.

Everyone has the ability to move from their current level of self-esteem to a higher one but it takes a lot of work and can be very difficult. To explore this further, it is worthwhile to examine why self-esteem varies from person to person.

What Is The Purpose Of Self Esteem?

The purpose of self-esteem is twofold: it allows you to bring out only your best qualities and also protects you from your worst qualities. When you have low self-esteem, for instance, you are probably not going to put yourself in a position where people can see your weaknesses and shortcomings because the risk of failure or embarrassment could be devastating and impact negatively on your life.

On the other hand, people with high self-esteem will risk feeling uncomfortable and exposed by putting themselves in an environment where people have less control over their actions. They are likely to be happy to take responsibility for their own success or failures but will seek out others who have similar values and can help them achieve their goals. Both types of person will likely have a strong drive and independence in business but may prefer different roles at work depending on their personality.

How Does Someone Increase Self Esteem?

There are several ways of building up your sense of self-esteem, some easier than others:

1. Identify Your Strengths

This is the first step towards building self-esteem and is easy to complete. You simply have to decide on your strengths and if you can’t do it yourself, ask those around you. Fred, for example, may be a natural sales person and excel in his job because he has an ability to talk people into buying something they don’t initially want or need. Fred has never thought of this as a strength before but once he acknowledges the way his mind works and accepts the fact that he is good at selling, he can put this quality to use elsewhere in life which will help build self-esteem.

2. Avoiding Comparisons

When other people are around, it is easy to get sucked into their world and lose your own sense of self. It’s important to avoid comparing yourself with others because this can quickly lead to feelings of low self-esteem or even depression if someone else seems to be having more fun than you. If you pay too much attention to what other people are doing, the chances are that you will think about why this is and then start feeling bad about yourself in comparison. You may feel envy or jealousy towards them which will also make you feel worse about yourself. These feelings may affect how you act toward others, how others act towards you, and even how others feel about themselves in return.


Self-esteem is an important aspect of life and without it, you will likely not be able to reach your full potential in life. It is important to understand that self-esteem can be built up over time and not instantly as you may have been led to believe by others. You don’t have to be perfect in order to feel great about yourself so long as you try your best.

The Art Of Self Esteem: How To Be Happier At Work & At Your Job? http://www.linkedin.

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