Thanksgiving Thoughts: Thankfulness In Times Of Trouble


 Thanksgiving Thoughts: Thankfulness In Times Of Trouble

It's easy to think of all the things you're thankful for when things are going well — a comfortable bed, a satisfying meal, your favorite song. But what about when times are tough? It can be hard to find anything worth thanking for in moments of hardship and dismay.

But it's important to remember that even during these challenging times, there is always something or someone that you can be grateful for. You may not want to thank them at first — but in the long run, acknowledging this one single thing as worthy of thanks might just give you the strength and hope necessary to make it through.

So, today, for the first time in Thanksgiving week, we're asking you to write down or speak aloud your one-word gratitude and share it with us. Also share a moment from your life (it whether it's good or bad) that you are thankful for.

If you're new to our weekly series — welcome. We hope that this is a helpful way of connecting with others and reflecting on your experience of Thanksgiving week.

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