The 3 Most Prominent Personal Growth Barriers


 The 3 Most Prominent Personal Growth Barriers

Three things that tend to hinder our personal growth.

- Fear of change
- Self-doubt
- Lack of motivation  
The first obstacle is fear of change, which is the primary cause for stagnation and disengagement in life. The second obstacle is self doubt, a sense that you are not good enough or capable enough to take on this challenge and make progress. The last obstacle is lack of motivation, or difficulty getting up out of bed in the morning and staying focused on goals that matter. In this article we'll discuss ways to overcome each one with actionable strategies, tools to help you stay motivated and feel confident in your actions towards your personal growth.
Fear of change
The process of personal growth is not a comfortable one, it's often uncomfortable and occasionally uncomfortable. But all change eventually leads to improvement, so you can't avoid it forever. But there are many things that can be done to overcome the fear of change and get you up to speed. Here are a few suggestions:
Remind yourself daily that there will be some discomfort or uncertainty in your life for the foreseeable future. Remind yourself that this is a good thing and something you must embrace in order for you to grow. Remember why this is your goal, a part of life that is necessary for you to improve as an adult human being . Write this down, it's good to have a reminder of why you're doing what you're doing. This is the first step in overcoming your fears. Practice this daily, or when you start feeling anxious. If the first time doing something is really tough – like going jogging when you've been out of shape for a while or signing up for salsa lessons even though you really suck at dancing and are out of shape – recognize that it will get easier as time goes on. Acknowledging that will make you less afraid, which makes change easier and helps to motivate yourself to take action toward your goal . Live with more confidence and take more risks in order to grow personally. At the same time, don't be reckless with yourself. Practicing an activity can be difficult if you do it in a way that's unsafe, reckless or unhealthy. Don't practice something until you're good at it and then don't do it again because you're afraid to. Practice the activity regularly for a while and then move on to something else and don't practice that thing until you're confident you can improve. [Tip: 5 things to sleep on ]
Remember why this is your goal, a part of life that is necessary for you to improve as an adult human being .
Some people take on goals that are not necessary for them to become better people. For example, the goal of losing weight or building muscle can be counter-productive because it can make you lazy and unhealthy rather than make you healthy and strong. The following saying is a good reminder that you have to understand why change is necessary: "Lose weight because it will allow you to run faster." [Tip: 5 things to eat when trying out new things ]
Remind yourself daily that there will be some discomfort or uncertainty in your life for the foreseeable future. Remind yourself that this is a good thing and something you must embrace in order for you to grow.
To overcome fear of change you need to know that it will happen. Don't put off the first step of taking action to improve yourself until you're feeling ready, because either you'll be too busy to find time for it and then it will get pushed aside or you'll never start because you're afraid that making changes will make you feel uncomfortable or unhappy for a while. There are many things in life that do require discomfort, like getting better at an instrument (speaking, playing guitar or bass actually), getting a new job or career, starting from scratch and building something from nothing.
Remember why this is your goal, a part of life that is necessary for you to improve as an adult human being .
Some people take on goals that are not necessary for them to become better people. For example, the goal of losing weight or building muscle can be counter-productive because it can make you lazy and unhealthy rather than make you healthy and strong. The following saying is a good reminder that you have to understand why change is necessary: "Lose weight because it will allow you to run faster." [Tip: 5 things to eat when trying out new things ]
Remind yourself daily that there will be some discomfort or uncertainty in your life for the foreseeable future.
Don't try doing something new until after you've started successfully accomplishing a set goal, so you know how long it takes to attain each level. You need to know how far you have to go before you can be comfortable with trying something new. For example, if you're trying to get in shape and lose weight, start by setting a goal in conjunction with your exercise program, for example "I will run for 30 minutes everyday for the next 30 days. If I reach that goal then I will start going to the gym and lifting weights."
Start living with more confidence and take more risks in order to grow personally. At the same time, don't be reckless with yourself. Practicing an activity can be difficult if you do it in a way that's unsafe, reckless or unhealthy. Don't practice something until you're good at it and then don't do it again because you're afraid to.
Remember why this is your goal, a part of life that is necessary for you to improve as an adult human being .
Some people take on goals that are not necessary for them to become better people. For example, the goal of losing weight or building muscle can be counter-productive because it can make you lazy and unhealthy rather than make you healthy and strong. The following saying is a good reminder that you have to understand why change is necessary: "Lose weight because it will allow you to run faster.
Take on new activities that are uncomfortable when you're first starting out, that require you to push yourself to be better at them. For example, if the goal for your new hobby is to play the guitar, try taking your guitar out of its case and playing it before you go out and buy a set of strings and expensive amp. Essentially what this means is take action toward something new with caution because it can be difficult to choose between a safe activity with little satisfaction or a potentially great activity that requires risk-taking and growth.
Remember why this is your goal, a part of life that is necessary for you to improve as an adult human being .
Some people take on goals that are not necessary for them to become better people. For example, the goal of losing weight or building muscle can be counter-productive because it can make you lazy and unhealthy rather than make you healthy and strong. The following saying is a good reminder that you have to understand why change is necessary: "Lose weight because it will allow you to run faster." [Tip: 5 things to eat when trying out new things ]
Remind yourself daily that there will be some discomfort or uncertainty in your life for the foreseeable future. Don't let fear of these feelings prevent you from growing as a person, it's okay to feel uncomfortable sometimes.

Take on new activities that are uncomfortable when you're first starting out, that require you to push yourself to be better at them. For example, if the goal for your new hobby is to play the guitar, try taking your guitar out of its case and playing it before you go out and buy a set of strings and expensive amp. Essentially what this means is take action toward something new with caution because it can be difficult to choose between a safe activity with little satisfaction or a potentially great activity that requires risk-taking and growth.
Remember why this is your goal, a part of life that is necessary for you to improve as an adult human being .
Some people take on goals that are not necessary for them to become better people.

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