The 5 important life lessons I learned from my dog


 The 5 important life lessons I learned from my dog

Everyone says that dogs are man’s best friend, but I have to say that my dog is one of the best teachers I know. After all, any time we were out walking in the woods or just hanging around at home, my dumb dog would always be getting into trouble. And whenever these “accidents” happened, they would teach me a lesson of some sort. Sometimes I learned about patience or how to treat people around you better or how important it is not to take things for granted.

For example, when we were out walking in the woods one day, we were practicing how to walk and how to turn around. Things were going well until I got distracted by something shiny that caught my eye and leaped into a creek! I was about to dive in after him when mom reminded me that I still had a long way to go. That’s when she showed me the importance of kindness and patience. After all, there are always more important things ahead than chasing after some stupid dog.

Or sometimes it would be a lesson on humility or just being careful with your actions. When I was about 6 years old, we were walking in the park one day when a woman came up to me and asked if I had seen her dog. When she explained he had run away, I went and looked around but didn’t find him anywhere. Thinking that he must be hiding somewhere, I told her where to look and we continued on with our walk.

Turns out the stupid dog was hiding under a bench nearby the whole time! When mom showed me this dumb lesson on humility, she said that it reminded her of how things like these are always going to happen in life no matter who you are or what you do. It’s only by being humble that you can move past these things and take them in stride.

But most of the time, it was a lesson about how I could be a better person. Like one time when I went to see if my mom wanted to go on a walk with me and found her crying instead. It turned out she had just gotten off the phone with her mother and discovered that her cat back home had passed away! Right away I started sniffling too because the cat looked just like mine. That’s when mom taught me that instead of feeling bad for myself, I should be thankful for what I have and not take my loved ones for granted because we never know what might happen in life.

It’s funny but all of these lessons were learned by a stupid dog who never even knew what he was doing!

Author: Matthew Melville Source: [ARTICLE ENDS]

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Elementary Reading Level 1: The 5 Important Life Lessons I Learned From My Dog (Download includes a description on how to use the cards) Download Here reading_level_1.docx (Size: 8 KB / Downloads: 7,635) 300 900 Koba, Shirai

Elementary Reading Level 2: The 5 Important Life Lessons I Learned From My Dog (Download includes a description on how to use the cards) Download Here reading_level_2.docx (Size: 6 KB / Downloads: 4,275) 300 900 Koba, Shirai

Elementary Reading Level 3: The 5 Important Life Lessons I Learned From My Dog (Download includes a description on how to use the cards) Download Here reading_level_3.docx (Size: 6 KB / Downloads: 2,114) 300 900 Koba, Shirai

Elementary Reading Level 4: The 5 Important Life Lessons I Learned From My Dog (Download includes a description on how to use the cards) Download Here reading_level_4.docx (Size: 6 KB / Downloads: 1,932) 300 900 Koba, Shirai

Elementary Reading Level 5: The 5 Important Life Lessons I Learned From My Dog (Download includes a description on how to use the cards) Download Here reading_level_5.docx (Size: 6 KB / Downloads: 1,655) 300 900 Koba, Shirai


Learning English can be fun, but it is also interesting because it can teach you things like these lessons. All you have to do is choose the right tactic to learn and use the right strategies. You just have to start early enough so that your brain learns how to learn.

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