The Alexander Technique, Fibromyalgia And Cfs: Implementing The Four Concepts: Part 3


 The Alexander Technique, Fibromyalgia And Cfs: Implementing The Four Concepts: Part 3

The Alexander Technique: Part 3

Introduction to the third part of this long-running series on how to implement The Alexander Technique in treating fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome at the home, office and health care settings.

Some people with "treatable" fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome are able to carry on with their normal lives like everyone else. But unfortunately many people with these conditions are not so lucky, which often includes significant pain levels (both physical and psychological), sleep problems, confusion, memory disorders, dizziness/ lightheadedness and headaches. As a result of these issues it is not uncommon for individuals to seek outside support for help coping with the condition.

After my first article in this series ("The Alexander Technique: Part 1") it was clear that the main problem with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is the tendency to overuse muscles that are over-toned, sore and stiff. But there have been other studies (e.g. [1]), which have shown that CFS is related to "muscle tightening", and it has also been shown that abnormal brain activity is associated with CFS.

However due to the myth that "everything chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia or other similar conditions can be treated by back, neck and shoulder manipulation". This has led many people to "push" their CFS, fibromyalgia and other similar conditions by using these procedures at the same time as they try to treat the condition with The Alexander Technique. Whilst it is true that many people have reported increased relief from pain by following our advice and implementing The Alexander Technique (in an appropriate manner) into their lives. It is also true that some of these people have improved to a greater degree when taking a course of drugs or using homeopathic or other alternative medicine of some kind, alongside this type of treatment. But there are a number of problems with trying to use such treatments simultaneously alongside learning from The Alexander Technique.

Firstly the movement training of The Alexander Technique that is used in this series is designed to reduce or lessen the "tension" of the head, neck, upper and lower back. But if you are taking pain killers or anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) you will be introducing a chemical into your system that will increase tension. Thus reducing the effectiveness of what you are trying to do with The Alexander Technique by adding on this additional stressor to your body's system whilst attempting to improve on a very sensitive area of your body.

Secondly you also have to take into account the fact that many CFS, fibromyalgia and other similar conditions sufferers are so distressed by their symptoms that they may be tempted to engage in excessive use of pain killers or anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) to try and get relief from their symptoms. But if this happens too often then it will reduce the effectiveness of what you are trying to do with The Alexander Technique, especially if it is used in conjunction with all these types of medication or drugs.

Thirdly another problem with taking pain killers or anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) is that if the individual does not have access to a doctor, naturopath or other medical practitioner who can prescribe these for them, then they will have to buy them over the counter from a pharmacy. But this can be problematic because it might cost a lot of money and not all pharmacies will sell such medication over the counter.

Fourthly there is also the problem of side effects from certain types of drugs, which could make your condition worse no matter what you are doing in terms of resolving your fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome completely.

Finally taking pain killers or using anti-inflammatory drugs (e.g. ibuprofen) to try and treat a "treatable" condition is like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut and it can be viewed as the equivalent of shooting yourself in the foot. This is because all these types of medication are designed to mask the symptoms of what you are trying to do, rather than addressing the underlying cause(s) of your CFS, fibromyalgia or other similar conditions.

These same factors also apply if you choose to use homeopathic medicine with The Alexander Technique because these can take months, or even years, before you get any relief at all from your symptoms by taking them on your own. This is because the homeopathic medicines are designed to "suppress" your symptoms (rather than address the cause(s) of your fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue syndrome), and even then they have been known to have side effects associated with them.

Now for some people with CFS, fibromyalgia or other similar conditions this type of approach might work out just fine, but for others it can be a false economy to treat their symptoms alone. This is because using such treatments as The Alexander Technique instead of homeopathy, drugs and pain killers would make more sense for a number of reasons:

1. The Alexander Technique takes into account (and addresses) the "whole person". This means that there is no need to take drugs or use pain killers, which may have significant side effects associated with them.

2. The Alexander Technique is an educational approach, which means that it is designed to teach you how to resolve your CFS, fibromyalgia or other similar conditions using your own body's resources. Thus it does not have any side effects as a result of its application when used by someone who is in good health and well adapted (e.g. non-rounded shoulders, over-toned muscles etc).

3. The Alexander Technique is designed not to "suppress" your symptoms by altering your pain threshold (i.e. how much pain an individual will suffer before they become in distress), but rather fix the underlying cause(s) of your CFS, fibromyalgia or other similar conditions. This means that it does not have any side effects as a result of its application when used by someone who is in good health and well adapted (e.g. non-rounded shoulders, over-toned muscles etc).

4. The Alexander Technique does not use any unnatural chemicals to treat you or your CFS, fibromyalgia or other similar conditions with this approach (as most alternative therapies use). It is a natural approach to resolving these types of conditions because it does not interfere with your body's natural biological process of healing.

5. The Alexander Technique does not have side effects associated with it, as long as it is used in conjunction with a sensible health massage or form of exercise (e.g. yoga, swimming or cycling). But if you should suffer from dizziness, nausea or other symptoms associated with a loss of balance after exercising (which can be common for many CFS, fibromyalgia and other similar conditions sufferers), then I would recommend that you stop doing whatever form of exercise you are undertaking immediately.



All in all, all of the above factors also apply when you are using homeopathy with The Alexander Technique. In this respect (i.e. if you choose to use this approach), it is better to stick with naturopaths, doctors and other medical practitioners instead because they are trained to respect for your body's natural process of healing.

In summary, all types of alternative medicine can be used alongside The Alexander Technique and can make a great contribution towards improving your health and well-being in many different ways, if they are used sensibly (i.e. not excessively) and in the correct way (i.e. if they are not being used by someone who is already very unwell).

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