The Basics Of Feminization Hypnosis


 The Basics Of Feminization Hypnosis

Are you worried about your gender identity?

Have you felt that something is just 'off' about your life and don't know what to do about it?
Have you been known to feel that feminine energies and masculine energies are "not compatible" in a person's life and have been struggling with trying to figure out how the neuter the balance for a healthy existence? 
Well, if this applies to you, then feminiization hypnosis might be the perfect solution! With just a few minutes of listening every day, we can transform ourselves into fully realized beings. Feminiization hypnosis has had some success rates as high as 80%--which really can be likened it to using steroids in sports leagues. 
With just a few minutes a day, you can become more aware of your inner feminine and bring more of it out into being. 
One of the main things that feminine people learn in this process is how to be calm, relaxed and centered while being active; to know when they're feeling masculine or when they're feeling their feminine identity. The best way to learn these skills is by becoming aware of your body while doing something. 
Becoming aware of your body's state, in general, and the female body in particular is very important to achieving feminization hypnosis results. Men often get caught up with having the perfect physique. With this goal, they are off putting all of their focus onto their physical being and neglecting the rest of themselves. 
When you listen to this feminiization hypnosis audio, you will learn how to relax by focusing on your body's inner sensations. 
The best way to relax is by taking deep breaths and getting in touch with what's going on inside your body. You'll be able to feel your stomach expanding as it fills with air and then contracting as you breathe out. Feel the blood flowing through your veins and coursing throughout your entire body. Take note of how relaxed your muscles are as they move and shift in response to the air that you fill them with. 
By focusing on these internal sensations, your body will naturally lighten in feeling as it lets go of all the tension that you have been carrying. 
Already, you'll be able to feel your mind begin to relax and let go of worries and concerns. You will become more aware of how the subconscious mind works without needing a formal education in psychology. Learning how to do feminiization hypnosis is much easier than learning about the complex inner workings of a human being. 
After all, you did learn to walk and talk without any formal education. Your subconscious mind is powerful in it's ability to learn things without your conscious mind even being aware of it. 
When you listen to this feminiization hypnosis recording, you will be able to feel yourself become more aware of your feminine side as it manifests itself around you. You'll notice that you feel lighter as a person and see the world with a new frame of reference. Your younger memories will start coming back to you and those older memories may begin fading away. 
There is no secret that women are much better at communicating their feelings than men are. They are also better at expressing their emotions in general than men are. These skills are what make women the superior sex in the world and feminiization hypnosis will help you to be able to get and stay in touch with those feelings in a way that only women are capable of. 
There is nothing that separates men from women. Females, on the other hand, have developed into a much more powerful species than their male counterparts. They have superior intelligence, superior strength, superior senses and superior abilities over their male counterparts. They have also developed into an entirely different kind of individual than their male counterparts and feminiization hypnosis will help you to become one as well!
If you are interested in this hypnosis session please click here for more information: 
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Feminization Hypnosis: A Complete MP3 Library With Tips   HERE
Men are taught from early on that they are the only ones supposed to be in control of their emotions and that they have to be tough so as not to show their feminine side. This is one reason why it is so hard for a man to become feminine. It would be like telling a frog in his natural environment that he would now have a "crush" if he tried too much too look pretty. Many men hide their emotions and even those that are left un-suppressed find them difficult to express. What is not taught in society is how to become "feminine" emotionally and intuitively.
When a woman reaches a certain stage in the growth of her mind and soul she feels the need to take control of her emotions and release them. This is often a very painful process for her. She wants to express herself but does not know how. When that happens, all she will feel is pain and frustration in trying to do so. This can be very confusing for both men and women as it seems that there are two different sides to them, masculine on one side and feminine on the other. In reality, we are simply different stages of development within one whole being of life.
When you learn to become feminine, you will suddenly find yourself being able to express your emotions in ways you never knew were possible for you. It may seem a little strange at first but it is an entirely new feeling and one that will leave a smile on your face when the feeling subsides. The key to becoming feminine is to understand that it is simply a way of being and not something different from who you are.
One of the best things about feminiization hypnosis is that it can help you to become more intuitive as well as more aware of your feelings. Being intuitive isn't something that's taught in school or even discussed in common society. It is a skill though, one that is inherent in everyone but often left forgotten. It's an art of being able to read the feelings of the people around you and being able to pick up on things that they are not even aware that they are doing. This can be very helpful in relationships whether it be a romantic or a friendly one. 
Being intuitive, however, doesn't mean that you know all the answers. It simply means that you're receptive to information and will respond accordingly. You'll be able to sense when someone is not being completely honest and you can tell when something just doesn't feel right.

Feminization hypnosis is something that can help you to become more aware of your emotions, especially those emotions that are hard for men to express. You'll find yourself being able to communicate with others much better than you were previously able to do. You'll also find yourself becoming more intuitive and able to read others' true feelings as they begin to show on their face.
You may even find that you feel a little lighter inside and wonder where all of the tension went. It will simply be a part of your past which you have now released without having to go through all of the pain and suffering that most females go through in their lifetime.

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