The Beauty Within....


 The Beauty Within....

What could be better than being beautiful? Nothing. People will love you more and take you more seriously, people will be drawn to your beauty, and everything else in life will just seem so much easier. Unfortunately, many people struggle with self-image and find it difficult to accept the person they are in the mirror.

That's why I compiled this list of the best places on the internet that show how beautiful we really are both on the inside and out. Each of these websites offers new perspectives on what is beautiful, helping us realize that we can't be defined by our own imperfections . Just remember that little note to yourself:

"I'm beautiful and I don't even know it."
1. Project 365 – It's a project that you do each day for a year or two years, or however long you want to do it. You take one picture each day of whatever inspires you, or whatever you notice in your surroundings, whether it's the perfect cup of coffee or a bird flying by. The important thing is that you show the world what inspired you on that day. These pictures will be uploaded onto their website so that anyone can see the project and you'll be able to connect with other people who are on similar journeys. 
2. Tiny Hearts – This is a project where all the artists draw a heart in whatever medium they like, whether it's the traditional artistic sense or drawing with crayons. Then each artist uploads at least one of their hearts onto their respective website for people to vote for their favorite. The top ten will be displayed on the site, as well as a link to view all of the hearts that were submitted. It's fun because not only do you get to see some really amazing artwork and creativity, but you also get to vote on which ones you like best!
3. The 100 Faces Project – This is a website that features portraits of 100 people from all over the world, each with diversity in ethnicity, age, gender and culture. Each person is given a code name by the artist and they are photographed in different styles that are unique to themselves. The photos are displayed in different sizes and on different backgrounds to create a real variety of art. The idea behind this project is to show how beautiful we really are no matter what our background is.
4. Art Library Online – This online library allows you to call up books on famous paintings and sculptures from renowned artists like Leonardo Da Vinci, Michelangelo and Rodin. These sculptures and paintings are called masterpieces because they are so beautiful that they have stood the test of time. All of these books can be accessed through the internet, whether you have internet access or not, which is great, especially if you're traveling.
5. Live Long and Prosper – This website features a girl who has beautifully captured all that is attractive around her. The photographer finds an interesting scene with beautiful light and captivating colors to showcase how awesome nature can be. She then uploads her photos onto her website for people to see and connect with other people to share their love for nature as well.
6. The Faces of Self-Love – This is a project that features one person at a time, elaborately painting their faces to show their own beauty, not just through their inner beauty but their outer beauty as well. The artist paints their face with beautiful blues and greens and then uploads the pictures onto the website so that people can see them and love them no matter what they look like.
7. All About Me – This site showcases one art piece at a time created by each artist who enters the contest, whether it's a video or painting or anything else that strikes his or her fancy for making art. Each piece is unique and showcases not just the artist's self-image, but also his or her imagination. Anyone from around the world can enter in their own art and become a part of this site.
8. The Beauty Within – This project is similar to The 100 Faces Project except that it showcases one person at a time instead of groups. Each person is photographed in a very organic setting with either natural light or by candlelight, showcasing how beautiful we are no matter what our background is. All of these photos are displayed on their site along with a short biography about each person and where they came from in hopes that people will be less judgmental over who they see as attractive.
9. The World's Most Beautiful Junior Police Officers – This project was created as a way for people to see how beautiful the world really is, one police officer at a time. The photos are being professionally shot, no matter what background or lighting each police officer has and then uploaded onto their website so that people can see how beautiful we really are.
10. Beauty in Vulnerability – This site features one female photographer who takes semi-nude photos of herself in order to redefine beauty. She explains that she is making this site to help women feel more comfortable with their bodies, and to create a place where they can explore themselves in peace, appreciate themselves and love who they are no matter what. 
11. Los Gatos Photographic Society – This is a site that showcases not just one beautiful face, but several at once. Each of the photos are taken from different angles so that each of the members are able to show off their individuality and beauty. By uploading a picture, every member can take part in this project so that they can become great examples of just how beautiful they truly are.
12. The 100 Faces of Happiness – This website features a lady who posts pictures of happy people around her, because she says that being happy literally makes her feel beautiful and happy. She uploads the pictures onto her site for other people to see and admire, and she hopes that everyone will feel as beautiful as she does by seeing these images on her website.
13. The World's Most Photogenicestroys – This website showcases photographers who are on a quest to find out who the most photogenic people really are. Each photographer takes amazing photos of people around them, whether they think those people are photogenic or not because anyone can be beautiful if they are the right shape and capture the right light.
14. It's a Beautiful Day –  This is a site that features one person per day, showcasing his or her best photograph that they have taken during their life and uploaded onto their website for everyone to see and admire. They hope that by sharing these unique individuals with one another, it will help us all to see how beautiful we really are.
15. The World's Most Beautiful People – This is another contest that showcases one person at a time. The photos are in beautiful settings with beautiful lighting and perfect smiles that show how amazing we can be no matter what our looks are.
16. Beautiful on the Outside – This is a site that showcases one person at a time, each with their own unique style and beauty. All of the photos are taken on different backgrounds and styles, showing how diverse we really can be no matter what our ethnicity, gender or body type may be.
17. The World's Most Beautiful Police Officers – This is another site featuring not just one police officer, but several all at once so that everyone can see how beautiful they really are.

Reaching out to people of all shapes, sizes, ethnicities and genders can help us all to see how special each one of us can be. The media images that bombarded our minds growing up weren't meant to be the reality of whom we should look like. Rather, they were meant to be an image that we could all strive for and work towards. By showcasing real people doing beautiful things in their lives, we can all connect with others in a positive way and realize how amazing we are too.
When you feel beautiful on the outside, you'll also feel beautiful on the inside as well.
1) http://the-100-faces-of-happiness.weebly.

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