The Benefits Of Having A Personal Coach


 The Benefits Of Having A Personal Coach

If you’re struggling to reach your fitness goals, it might be time to bring in a little help. Working with a personal coach gives you the individualized attention and guidance that can really make all the difference. And while they may seem like an extra expense and an unneeded luxury, the benefits of having a personal coach are more than worth it. Here are a few reasons why:

You’ll Have Someone Helping You Who Knows What They’re Doing.

A personal trainer knows how to get you results, rather than floundering around in the dark not knowing what they’re doing. A good trainer isn’t just someone who will push you to work harder or know the right exercises to do, but also someone who will help guide you through difficult technique issues and help you make some easy changes to your form that instantly add up to big improvements. Having a personal coach who is knowledgeable and experienced can make all the difference in whether or not you reach your goals, simply because they already know what works and what doesn’t.

You’ll Get One-on-One Attention.

If you’re working alone in the gym, there are only so many ways you can vary your workout. You can always add more weight to the bar or make an exercise a little harder, but for the most part, if you’ve been working out a certain way for a while and you aren’t seeing results, it may be time to try something else. Having someone show up with a fresh pair of eyes is exactly what you need. A personal trainer is going to push you in new ways, ask questions, explore options, and take into account everything from your schedule and fitness goals to current injuries and limitations. If they can’t help, you’ll know that they tried.

You Will Know When You Need To Make A Change.

While you might be feeling a little frustrated with the lack of progress you’re making, a personal trainer will be there to point out how things are going, giving you a reality check on what needs to be done and what to focus on. They’ll also be around to keep your attitude positive and remind you of the long-term benefits of your goals. Someone who is trying to help you get fit for not just health’s sake, but also for your career, will keep you focused on the end goal.

You’ll Be Confident In Your Workout.

If you’ve been working out alone in the gym, there’s always a chance that things will go wrong or that you won’t work out at all. A personal trainer is there to set up your workout and make sure it goes smoothly. They know what they need to be doing to help you work toward your goals, and if anything gets in the way of their guidance, they will adjust things accordingly with minimal fuss.

You’ll Be Encouraged To Go The Extra Mile.

Members of a gym tend to stick with their own comfort zone, especially when it comes to how hard they push themselves in the gym. Without a personal coach, you may find that you’re stalling out or are not working as hard as you could be. A personal trainer will push you past your limits, but also keep an eye on your form and make sure you don’t overdo it. They know what exercises will help you get better results, and can even help you create a workout routine that keeps things interesting but is still focused on getting results.

You’ll Be Encouraged To Set Goals.

Without a personal trainer, it’s easy to get distracted in the gym and not know what goals to set or how to reach them. Personal trainers know what kind of results you should be shooting for and can create a personalized plan for you that will lead to those results. They can also help motivate you to stick with your workout, especially if you’re having a rough week or just feel like skipping a trip to the gym. A personal trainer is not only there for the quick exercise tips and advice but also for the long haul, helping keep you motivated and excited about your progress, no matter how slow it might be.

I have actually recently been lucky enough to have 7 personal trainers (one for each of my kids) ..and I am more than grateful! The work that they do is above and beyond anything I would even imagine anyone doing for me. I am able to feel more confident in myself, especially when we are faced with a specific challenge that may require us to figure out how to reach it. My personal trainers are always willing to help me get whatever ache or pain I may be experiencing out of the way so that I can keep moving and growing . . . and I know my kids feel the same way. They are always there for anything . . . whether it be a quick workout at home or a longer workout at the gym. They are kind and motivating and don’t expect anything from me that they themselves wouldn’t do.
If you find yourself struggling in your fitness goals or would like to one day reach those fitness goals that you have always wished for, maybe it is time to consider getting yourself a personal trainer. You may be surprised at what you can get done and all the things that you can learn over time. Maybe you will have to do a little digging on your own, but there are many places that provide information on personal trainers in your local area.
Have fun and be safe!
Kimberly A. Cates is a wife and mother of 7 children( ages 12, 11, 10, 9 y/o twins and 2 under the age of 5) She runs a website called Living Life in Kindergarten and blogs at Code Name: Mama . She is also the co-author of " The Complete Guide To Teaching Your Child To Read , A Parent's Guide To Early Reading Intervention" with her husband Blake Cates. She is a literacy advocate and strives to help children learn to read.
She is currently working on a new book due out in 2015. Connect with Kimberly on  Facebook ,  Twitter  and Pinterest .

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About the author: Aimee is a well rounded blogger, currently writing for,,, and MyDailyMomentum.


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