The Butterfly Effect: Why Everything You Do Matters


 The Butterfly Effect: Why Everything You Do Matters

The Butterfly Effect: Why Everything You Do Matters

Are you trying to make a difference in the world? Have you realized that every little effort counts in the grand scheme of things? If so, then this article is for you. It's about how your behavior can have an impact on others, and why your actions are important. With that said, let's get started! "The Butterfly Effect" is a term used to indicate how a small event can influence and change everything else around it. When studying ecology, for example, we know that one small event has the potential to transform a wide area of land from green to brown over time. For example, the invasion of pine trees into a forest that had been covered by only one species can cause extensive damage, but the same forest would be quite different if the dense ground cover of grass and herbs were not replaced. In this way, it's easy to see how your actions can have an impact on many other people and things. That is to say... It really does matter what you do!
Actions Have Consequences
Life is full of ups and downs, but it's important to stay focused on the positive things when times may be challenging. Sure, we could all use a bit more money or some extra time for ourselves, but those are not reasons enough to stop setting goals or achieving dreams. Instead of thinking about what you don't have, choose to focus on things that really matter. When my parents and I moved out of our old house in 2011, we spent the next several months cleaning out our basement. We found many things we didn't need anymore and piled everything in the garage for later use. Then, one rainy day when my friend called to see if I wanted to go swimming, I went outside with him to get a few bags of trash from the garage before going inside again. When we returned a short time later and opened the door to go back outside... a LOT of water poured in. The flood destroyed most of the stuff we kept in our garage and it was a major mess to clean up. If I had gone swimming with my friend that day, the flood never would have happened... But as it was, I stayed home because I didn't want to get wet from the rain. My choice had consequences! Another example of this happened just a few years ago with my husband's family. He has an Uncle whose daughter is addicted to drugs and resides in a prison in another country for robberies she committed many years ago. Now, this young woman has two kids of her own that she cannot take care of properly. This is a sad situation for everyone involved and I know it has caused a lot of pain for my husband's Aunt. Since that time, we have learned that those children are being taken care of by the officials in the prison, but what would have happened if those children were left to fend for themselves in a terrible environment?
My point is... Your actions do matter! What you do will affect others and it may change their lives forever. On the other hand, your choices have the potential to help as well.
Think About It
Take a minute right now to think about how your behavior affects others. Do you treat your family, friends, and coworkers with respect? Do you practice good hygiene and try to be a good example for others? If not... you may be surprised at how one small decision can change things for the worse. If so... great job! Your actions are making an impact on others around the world and I'm sure people appreciate how you approach situations. 
One thing I'd like to point out is that your actions can also have a positive impact on your work and personal life. For example, if you're working in an office environment, it's important to show up on time most of the time or else your excused absences could affect the overall attendance in that area. This can also happen if you miss meetings or need someone to give you more time with projects. In addition, if you always show up late for church meetings, family gatherings, or pep rallies at school... there may be consequences for being late so often. 
If you want to make a difference in the world... think about what others need and do your best to help them out when possible. Remember... things really do matter! You are impacting them for the better or worse.
This is a guest post from one of my best friends, Kelly Vokali. She is a media specialist at an elementary school in Columbus, Ohio, and she spends each day helping students learn how to be more responsible citizens. To learn more about her, check out her website at . Thanks for stopping by and make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss future posts!
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Thank you, Kelly Vokali, for thinking of me as someone who could potentially be interested in your wonderful blog post and I am honored that you would choose me to share it on my blog. Thank you again and take care! -John
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