The Most Powerful Source Of Information - Spirituality Information


 The Most Powerful Source Of Information -  Spirituality Information

What is Spirituality Information? Why is it the most powerful source of information? These are questions I will try to answer in this post.

If you are asking yourself these questions, you must be thinking that spiritual matters or things related to spirituality, and spirituality sources must be important topics. And indeed they are, because they cover a huge range of subject areas that in many cases affect every aspect of our lives.

Who or what is a source of information? Well, it's simply an entity which "produces" or "gathers" information in one way or another.

So what are the most powerful sources of information in our society? And why are they so important? What exactly do they produce or gather? And how come they are so powerful in their scope and impact?

To answer these questions, let's first go back to the roots of the concept of "source", which by definition is a person (or a thing) from which something comes. The term comes from Latin "sursum", meaning upward, originating on high and to which one looks for spiritual enlightenment. Read more...


Although I don't want to get into a theological debate, it is important to acknowledge the fact that each one of us is born with an innate desire to find our spiritual home and connect with the divine source of all things (also known as God, Allah, Brahma, Buddha or whatever name you give it). So it's almost impossible for you not to know that there exists something greater than us. And this great thing represent the ultimate source of ultimate information . (If you are still struggling with this concept and what exactly constitutes ultimate or highest form of knowledge; continue reading this post)... Read more...
The Secret World of the Spiritual Seeker
Deborah Davis for Spirituality In Action
The Secret World of the Spiritual Seeker  (PDF) by Deborah Davis is a book that was published by Quest Books in 2007 and subtitled as "A guide for people who are searching for a spiritual path." The only problem with that is it assumes you have already found your way to the spiritual path.
The book is based on Davis' experiences as director of a retreat center, and in her personal life as a seeker of truth. Read more...
10 Things Every Spiritual Seeker Should Know - part 1
To start, I would like to say that I am not an expert on spirituality, religion or religion in general. I am simply a spiritual seeker like you, who at some point in my life felt the need to find a more fulfilling meaning of life.
10 Things Every Spiritual Seeker Should Know - part 2
I'd like to continue this series and continue with the topics related to spiritual seeking. I am dividing the subject into 3 parts, each of which will have 5 topics. Therefore, this is the second part out of three where I will be sharing with you 10 things every spiritual seeker should know as we progress on our journey of discovery. Read more...
10 Things Every Spiritual Seeker Should Know - part 3
Continuing with our series dedicated to spiritual seekers, here is the last part that has 5 topics.
10. We are all seekers  
"Be still, and know that I am God." - Psalm 46:10
We all seek something in the course of our lives. The one who says he or she does not seek anything, is a liar and doesn't really know what he/she is saying. Read more...
Spirituality Information - The Ultimate Source Of Information
What is Spirituality Information? Why is it the ultimate source of information? These are questions I will try to answer in this post.
The 3 Most Powerful Sources Of Information In Our Society (Updated for 2018) If you are asking yourself these questions, you must be thinking that spiritual matters or things related to spirituality must be important topics.

Conclusion of the Most Powerful Sources of Information series
Source 1 – The Ultimate Source of Information (spirituality) Source 2 – The Scientific Method and the information it gathers Source 3 – You, your eyes, your mind and your senses - the information you gather.
Please note that I am not saying that these are the only sources of information in our society. By no means! What I am trying to say is that these are three most powerful sources , because they make a HUGE impact on our lives. Read more...

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