The Perfect Antidote To Procrastination


 The Perfect Antidote To Procrastination

What is the best way to overcome procrastination? How do you get done what you need to get done?

Drawing on research from the fields of psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience, this post will teach you fifteen different ways to overcome procrastination so that you can be your most productive self.

1) Focus on the task at hand.  
2) Treat it like a game.  
3) Break it down into chunks.
4) Put time pressure on your work.  
5) Prioritize what's important and urgent.  
6) Have a deadline.  
7) Write things down.
8) Get an accountability partner. 
9) Plan for interruptions and delays. 
10) Have a backup plan. 
11) Reward yourself for completing tasks successfully.   Make sure to include time-lapse videos so you can appreciate your hard work!  
12) Do it in the morning when you're freshest. 
13) Be realistic. 
14) Get organized.   Make sure to include time-lapse videos so you can appreciate your hard work!  
15 ) Have a 3:00 p.m. rule where if you don't get X completed by 3:00 p.m., you go home and blow off steam (this is my favorite rule for getting things done).  Make sure to include time-lapse videos so you can appreciate your hard work!  
For more insight, check out the full post:  The Perfect Antidote To Procrastination .

1) Focus on the task at hand. 
2) Treat it like a game.  
3) Break it down into chunks.  
4) Put time pressure on your work.  
5) Prioritize what's important and urgent.  
6) Have a deadline.  (This is my favorite rule for getting things done).  
7) Write things down. Be sure to use Microsoft OneNote!)
8 ) Get an accountability partner . Don't forget to set a reminder for your accountability friend so you don't forget about your work!
9) Plan for interruptions and delays . If you work in a coffee shop, plan for the inevitable cell phone call. If you have pets, plan for the inevitable bathroom trip. If you have children, plan for the inevitable spill on your keyboard.
10) Have a backup plan . Also make sure to triple-backup your important files so that if you lose your laptop, you can quickly recover (i.e., I keep all of my "office" files on three different hard drives, I keep copies of all my documents on Evernote, and I keep copies of all my financial documents in a safe deposit box).  
11) Reward yourself for completing tasks successfully .  Make sure to include time-lapse videos so you can appreciate your hard work!  
12) Do it in the morning when you're freshest .   (Also check out my "3:00 p.m. rule" for getting things done).
13) Be realistic  and don't procrastinate on the important things that are urgent but not important.  Focus on the four quadrants of GTD (this is my favorite rule for getting things done).
14) Get organized .   Make sure to include time-lapse videos so you can appreciate your hard work!  
15 ) Have a 3:00 p.m. rule where if you don't get X completed by 3:00 p.m., you go home and blow off steam .   Make sure to include time-lapse videos so you can appreciate your hard work!  
Bonus tip:   leave a "How productive are you?" comment on this video.  Leave your email address so we can monitor your productivity at the end of each day.  (If you're leaving a comment, I'll email you this link to my productivity report every day with all kinds of interesting info about how productive I am).  Also, click here to join me on Facebook where I've been posting a lot more information about living more productively since going all GTD.
For more insight, check out the full post:  The Perfect Antidote To Procrastination .
1) Focus on the task at hand.  2) Treat it like a game.   3) Break it down into chunks.   4) Put time pressure on your work.   5) Prioritize what's important and urgent.   6) Have a deadline. (This is my favorite rule for getting things done). 7) Write things down. Be sure to use Microsoft OneNote!) 8 ) Get an accountability partner . Don't forget to set a reminder for your accountability friend so you don't forget about your work! 9) Plan for interruptions and delays . If you work in a coffee shop, plan for the inevitable cell phone call. If you have pets, plan for the inevitable bathroom trip. If you have children, plan for the inevitable spill on your keyboard.   10) Have a backup plan . Also make sure to triple-backup your important files so that if you lose your laptop, you can quickly recover (i.e., I keep all of my "office" files on three different hard drives, I keep copies of all my documents on Evernote, and I keep copies of all my financial documents in a safe deposit box).   11) Reward yourself for completing tasks successfully .  Make sure to include time-lapse videos so you can appreciate your hard work!   12) Do it in the morning when you're freshest .   (Also check out my "3:00 p.m. rule" for getting things done). 13) Be realistic  and don't procrastinate on the important things that are urgent but not important.  Focus on the four quadrants of GTD (this is my favorite rule for getting things done). 14) Get organized .   Make sure to include time-lapse videos so you can appreciate your hard work!   15 ) Have a 3:00 p.m. rule where if you don't get X completed by 3:00 p.m., you go home and blow off steam .   Make sure to include time-lapse videos so you can appreciate your hard work!  
Bonus tip:   leave a "How productive are you?" comment on this video.  Leave your email address so we can monitor your productivity at the end of each day.  (If you're leaving a comment, I'll email you this link to my productivity report every day with all kinds of interesting info about how productive I am).  Also, click here to join me on Facebook where I've been posting a lot more information about living more productively since going all GTD.

Conclusion/Wrapping Up/The Take-Away
If you've made it this far, congratulations!  You are a serious productivity-head (I mean that as a compliment).  I hope you'll comment on this blog post with your email address so I can have my computer monitor your productivity at the end of each day.  Also feel free to email me with any questions about GTD.
Is there a big "ah-ha!" for you in this post?  Do you see where I'm going wrong or where I need to improve?  I'd love to hear from you. Send me an email at and make sure to check out my productivity website www.

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