The Power Behind Understanding Resistance


 The Power Behind Understanding Resistance

Have you ever wondered how some people can seem to easily resist temptation while others struggle every day? It turns out that there is a secret formula behind understanding resistance, and I'm going to reveal it all to you!

Resistance happens when something repeatedly stops us from making progress toward the goal. This can be an addiction, a bad habit, or something as simple as not wanting to try new things. Resistance is often the result of fear and doubt about danger or risk. It's our brain's way of telling us that we're getting into something below our comfort level. After all, many people would probably keep doing what they're doing if their safety wasn't at stake.

While resistance is a normal part of life, it's not healthy for you if it gets you off course. If you want to move beyond resistance, here are three things to consider:

1. What Are You Resisting? - Begin by identifying what it is that you're resisting. Is there an addiction you'd like to break? Are your goals outside your comfort zone and causing fear? If so, are the fears realistic or irrational? Chances are the resistance will disappear if your fears about the goal aren't realistic. During this process, learn as much as possible about what's holding you back.

2. What Are Your Goals? - It's common for people to resist making positive changes, because they feel they'll lose something. If you're resisting a new job, it's natural to think you'll lose friends if you move to another city. The same applies when trying new things, as people often worry that they won't be good at something or that other people will make fun of them. If we could easily do everything we wanted to, then there wouldn't be any resistance in life! Instead, think about how your goals are going to enhance your life and improve the things that are truly important to you. If you're resisting a goal, it's more likely that fear and doubt are involved.

3. Who Are You? - The last part of the formula is most important. When we're confronted with resistance, we often want to blame others rather than take responsibility for our actions. The reason is that we believe we'll lose something if we change or step out of our comfort area. However, there's nothing to lose if you don't change or give up! Instead, identify who it is that you're resisting and why you think they're responsible for your resistance. Are there other people in your life who are telling you that you can't do something or that it's not worth it? Are there conditions from the past that have influenced your thoughts today? If so, how do they affect you and how do they block your path to success?

By taking these steps, you'll be able to identify where resistance is coming from, why it's happening and what it means for moving forward. Then, if you want to move past resistance, make sure to apply the formula as often as needed!

"Welcome To The Forest!" - No matter what kind of natural disaster strikes, we all have a core identity of being wild animals. By Rachel J. Rose, MS, NCC, LCPC. For more information about how to manage stress and anxiety:

Article Source: The Power Behind Understanding Resistance
What Do You Think? I have added some of my own input on understanding resistance (modeled after " Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions " - Alcoholics Anonymous). I have made a new post called The Power Behind Understanding Resistance .
If you find any spelling or grammar errors in this post, let me know and I'll try to fix them :)
~Rachel Rose~
Rachel Rose - Motivational Speaker, Life Coach and Author of The Wild Therapist . Rachel Rose writes articles on motivation, inspiration and self-help. Get help with life challenges from the wild side.
Article Source:   The Power Behind Understanding Resistance
<a href="">The Power Behind Understanding Resistance</a>
Posted by Rachel Rose on Friday, October 28, 2007 9:48 PM
Posted by Rachel Rose on Tuesday, March 21, 2007 12:53 AM
Posted by Rachel Rose on Thursday, January 22, 2007 9:20 AM
Posted by Rachel Rose on Wednesday, May 22, 2006 1:18 AM

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Article Source: The Power Behind Understanding Resistance
The Power Behind Understanding Resistance
Though most people know that there's a lot of good in the world, they often don't understand the reasons why they're so happy and successful (or even alive). As a result, they stay stuck in their comfort zone and miss out on all that life has to offer. The good news is that there are more reasons to be successful than you might have thought before. As a result, you can start enjoying the benefits of a positive attitude, the power of positive thinking and more ways to thrive!
When we're really happy, we're often energized and motivated to do things that make us happy. On the other hand, when we're unhappy and stuck in our comfort zone, we tend to avoid challenges that could help us improve. We find it difficult or even impossible to adapt to new situations or change our current situation. When this happens, we usually give up too easily and settle into our lives instead of moving forward. For example, when most people are stuck in a rut, they can't seem to find any motivation to improve their life. They know that they want more in life, but don't understand how to get it (or even what more would mean).
Although many of us realize that we're not always happy, we still don't understand the reasons why. As a result, we tend to get stuck in destructive patterns without ever knowing how or why they started.

The Power Behind Understanding Resistance
The same applies when trying new things, as people often worry that they won't be good at something or that other people will make fun of them. If we could easily do everything we wanted to, then there wouldn't be any resistance in life! Instead, think about how your goals are going to enhance your life and improve the things that are truly important to you. If you're resisting a goal, it's more likely that fear and doubt are involved.
One reason why people resist change is because they feel trapped by the circumstances in their life. They often think that the current situation is all there is or even all there could be (even though most feel like something is missing).

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