The Power Of Appreciation - An Essential Life Ingredient


 The Power Of Appreciation - An Essential Life Ingredient

As humans, it’s our responsibility to recognize what we have. The feeling of appreciation is one of the essential ingredients to a happy life because it has a positive impact on your overall mood.

The more you appreciate what you have, the more happiness will fill your heart and soul. You'll feel better about yourself and people in your life at large will also notice the good vibes emanating from you.

The concept of the Law of Attraction actually ties in with appreciation and how it helps you attract more positive things into your life. When you feel good, everything around you seems to be working out for you.

If your mindset is filled with gratitude and appreciation, that in itself is valuable. You are acknowledging what is good in your life and it manifests itself into even more great things in the future.

The opposite is also true, when you're feeling down about a situation (or even just a minor detail), it can easily spread into other areas of your life.

So the key to change is to take action and start noticing what's going well in your life. Look for those happy moments that you might otherwise not have seen.

Appreciation, gratitude and gratitude are very powerful emotions that can be harnessed as a tool to make real changes in your mindset, habits and actions. They provide a huge level of unconscious reinforcement that can lead to positive change.

The following article contains five simple things you can do on a daily basis to feel more appreciation in every aspect of your life: happiness, relationships, career and health.

1. Become A Realist, Not A Negativity Junkie

We live in an idealistic society that focuses on everything that's wrong in the world. The news media has a huge part to play in this.

Aside from the other issues with mainstream media, it seems all they do is broadcast negative occurrences. You never hear about all the good things going on around us every day.

Instead of broadcasting all the bad that happens, why not show appreciation by highlighting some of the positive things happening instead? For example, appreciate someone who was kind to you or a company that went out of their way to help you out when you needed it most.

You can think of it as a balance. The more you focus on what's wrong, the more negative your mind becomes and eventually you're stuck in a loop of negativity that will prevent any progress or improvement in your life.

On the other hand, when you appreciate some of the things going on around you and learn to balance that with more positive things, a positive mind set is created. You then have a positive environment to attract positive things into your life and make real changes.

2. When You Have A Big Purchase Or Even A Small One… Say Thank You To Someone
It may not seem like much but taking time out to say thank you goes a long way in showing appreciation for someone genuinely.

This could be for a friend or family member, or even a complete stranger. Thank them for their time, for the effort they put in to help you out and even just for the simple things like being nice to you.

The more you appreciate others and express it in the moment, often times the bigger impact it has on their day. You never know who you could touch with just a simple "thank you".

For example, when someone does something nice for me I'll send them an email thanking them and then I'll follow up with a call to let them know how much I appreciated what they did. It's one of my simple little rituals that shows how much I appreciate others.

3. How Many Times A Day Do You Give Your Self-Esteem A Boost?
We're all busy people who are trying to juggle everything we need for life at any given moment. It's not easy doing everything on our own, sometimes it's nice to have some help and support.

When you do something for yourself, like going for a run, taking a walk or even just spending time with your most favorite person in the world, it can give you that extra boost of self-worth and self-esteem that you may be lacking in life.

You deserve to show yourself some love sometimes and actually see the results of your actions. You deserve it if you really work hard at achieving your goals.

So instead of being self-obsessed, think of how many times a day you're telling yourself you're special and a great person. Get into the habit of giving your self-esteem a little boost every day.

4. Create A List Of The Things You Appreciate Most In Life
This is an excellent way to start appreciating everything in life more. Like a lot of things in life, people can take this concept way out of hand and make it a chore to live your life.

Instead, how about just being positive and appreciative? If you can't think of anything right now, just start with one thing and start building from there.

5. Listen To Some Music & Appreciate The Sound

Music is great because it can bring up memories of a time in your life when you were truly happy and had everything working for you.

You can also use it to help enforce the mindset of feeling good about who you are and what you do. I listen to music almost every day to help get into the positive mood I'm looking for. So instead of getting stuck in a loop of negativity, listen to some music that makes you feel good and think about how lucky you are to have the things and people in your life that matter.

6. Watch A Movie & Appreciate The Actors/Actresses

This is a simple one that not a lot of people do. Instead of watching movies to escape reality or complain about life, appreciate the actors and actresses that are bringing you the movie on the big screen. They are real people who worked hard to bring you entertainment and that's something to appreciate.

7. ​Start An Appreciation Journal & Start Writing Down All The Things You Feel Grateful For

This is a good way to show appreciation for what you have in your life and start appreciating little things like your job, transportation or just being able to walk without pain. A gratitude journal makes it really easy to show and prove to yourself the little things in life that we take for granted.

8. Take A Quick Moment To Appreciate The Now & Think About The Future

Take a moment right now to appreciate the things you can see around you and then mentally start thinking about all the amazing things that are going to happen in your life in the future. You might not know exactly what they will be but with a positive outlook on life, you'll find yourself constantly anticipating many amazing experiences and making better choices than before.



The more you use appreciation to change the way you think and the way you act, the quicker those changes will come to you.

So whether it's spreading positivity or appreciating what is around you, doing so will bring a positive mind set into your life and help create better habits and change in your actions that will lead to better results in every aspect of your life.

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